Chapt. 3

31 3 0

TW: Homophobia and Bad Parenting

-Thomas, Can't you take Mark up to your room? Maybe you two can play. My mother asked me as she looked me cold in my eyes.

I nodded fast and looked over at Mark. He looked at me blank. I smiled at him and started to walk away a bit, waiting for him to catch up.

He hesitated a bit, his mother mumbled to him to walk with me as she pushed him into our house. His warm gaze met mine as he walked towards me and started to follow me too my room.

-You have a pretty house... He said shyly at me.

-Oh.. Thanks... It's a bit dim coloured though... I said as I looked behind myself at him. We went up the stairs to my room. I opened the door to my room. There wasn't much honestly. A 120 cm bed with blue covers... a few shelves with action figures and books.

-Your room is pretty! Mark said to me from behind.

I looked back at him and beamed wide.

-You think so? I asked.

-Yeah. Mark nodded. I turned completely warm everywhere.

-Soo... Uhm- Mark, what do you like too- I said but instantly got cut off.

-Uhm actually I don't like that name so much... I go by Ranboo.. My uhm- My pronouns are They/them... They said as they mumbled to the ground. Their head dropped heavily, as their eyes looked down with a guilty look.

-My parents... don't really like that... They mumbled to the ground.

I walked over to them with their head hanging. I gripped their chin and I lifted their head up.

-Hey, Don't leave your head hanging. It's ok... I accept you for the person you are. There's nothing wrong with you. I said as I looked deeply into their eyes.

I could they melted into my eyes, as I melted into theirs. Our faces was to say only 5 inches away from each other. 

I moved my hand to their cheek, as I slowly caress my thumb on their cheek. They lay their warm hand on top of my hand.


Ranboo's POV

-Hey, Don't leave your head hanging. It's ok... I accept you for the person you are. There's nothing wrong with you. Thomas told me as he lifted my head up by putting his hand on my chin.

Our gazes met... I could resist by melting instantly into the long, warm glance. Our faces 5 inches away from each others.

His hand moved to my cheek, as he slowly caressed my cheek as well with his warm thumb. I moved my hand on top of his hand. I interlocked my hand in his.

-Thank you.. Thomas.. I said with a smile and a warm blush.

-Please, Call me Tom or Tommy... Or other nicknames. He said with a sly smirk on his face. Making me giggle high-pitched, whilst shaking my head.

I lend my forehead on his, after all, I was and am the tallest of us both. I closed my eyes shut... 

He leaned against as well and I could tell he had his eyes open... Wide open.. Probably admiring me~ Just kidding.. or am I??

-Close your eyes, dummy. I said as I beamed with a laugh. He giggled for himself quietly..

-And yes, that will be your nickname if you don't close those pretty eyes of yours. I teasingly said still with my eyes closed.

-Fuck off. He replied with a giggle.

I opened my eyes and stared into his bright blue ones.

-No, You fuck off. I replied to him.

His eyes shot open.

-Can Americans swear? He asked curiously. Obviously making me burst out in laughter.

-Yeah? Everyone can swear. I said beaming.

-Not as young as you. He said stupidly.

-Speak for yourself child, your a year younger. I said as I parted our foreheads with a slight smirk. I walked a bit backwards and fell down on his bed.

Tommy fake gasped.

Me on the other hand, couldn't keep in my laughter as always.

Without realizing, he had gotten on top of me and his hands interlock with mine as he fought back and forth. 

-I'm gonna kill you. Tommy said as he laughed, neither could he keep the laughter in. 

-Not if i'm stronger. I said as I managed too flip him on his back on the bed. His hands never parted from mine, so I went down with him. Imagine this; Him on his back, me with both of my knees on the sides of him, our hands interlock down on the mattress. 

My face went blank as I blushed hardly as I looked down on him underneath me. His facial expression was surely the same as mine, until his blank face turned into a smirk.

-You really can't let go of me? Simp. He said as he made me blush even more.

-I didn't mean it like this- I said nervously.

-BOYS! IT'S DINNER! My mother yelled from down stairs.

Both me and Tommy looked at the door then at each other.

-Coming!! Tommy yelled.

We both started to giggle as we looked at each other again.

-It's ok. But I do expect more. He teasingly said to me.

My cheeks went red and my eyes went blank as I looked at him.

-I'm kidding... Or am I. He said as I parted our hands and sat up.

-Shut up, Simp. I said as I beamed at him and got up from the bed.

-Let's go eat dinner. He said brushing it off...


Tommy's POV

TW: Very, Very bad slurs and Homophobia and bad parenting

-Fucking Faggots. My mother rolled her eyes as she turned off the TV. The TV showed the news channels about gay marriage. 

-Excuse me? I said to my mother.

Her eyes shot a death-gaze at me right away.

-What did you say? Who allowed you to speak?

-N-Nothing... I mumbled nervously down on my plate of food.

-If you defend those disqusting gay people, then you'll be on your own. My mom said threatning to me.

I looked down on my plate and nodded. I could see in the corner of my eyes, Ranboo looked concerned and sad on me.

-I agree, gay people should honestly die. Ranboo's mother Laura spoke up saying.

-Uhm- Mother? I spoke up nervously.

-Yes? She said calmly.

-Do you think uhm- Mark and I could have a sleep over? I asked my mother as I looked over at Ranboo.

-I really want too as well. Ranboo spoke up happily.

-Come'on Monica, Their already best friends. Laura said to my mother.

-Ok. She said as she looked down on her plate and continued eating.

-Thank you so, so mu-! I said happily, but of course cut off.

-ON ONE CONDITION ! No happiness, Thomas, ok? I don't want your annoying little happy voice. Cause that voice belongs outside and in your bedroom.

-Fine... I mumbled as I stared into her eyes.

I looked over to Ranboo, who smiled as they looked down on their plate again.


1118 Words!

I hope you liked this chapter! This resymbolizes how their turbulant past and childhood was, or a little chapter about their past. I'm so sorry If you have parents like these horrible parents that are the characters the parents. 


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