C8: Are We In Love?

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At PACE Rehab...

"Future sissy-in-law, what's that mopey face? Did you get into another lover's quarrel with my cousin?" Jisoo teased the down Lisa.

"Sorta." Lisa plopped on her chair and sighed deeply.

Lisa hated herself for breaking her second promise to make Jennie always happy and smiling. What was her first promise you ask? That Jennie will never regret her saying YES to her marriage proposal. Moreover, Lisa thought Jennie didn't deserve her harsh reaction, so she swallowed her pride and texted her fake fiancé...

Lisa: Jennie, please forgive me for yelling at you. It won't happen again.

Lisa's friends know Lisa is in love when she throws her pride away in the dumpster and will take all the blame and fall for the one she loves and asks for forgiveness even if it isn't her fault. Let's be real here, it was Jennie's fault for upsetting Lisa since she already warned her to stop but Jennie still chose to overstep the boundary Lisa had put. Will Jennie also take accountability of her action?

Jennie: Don't apologize Lisa. It was all my fault. I'm sorry, it was wrong to pressure you to talk about things you're not ready and comfortable talking about. But please know I'm here for you if you need help and someone who'll listen to your problems and frustrations. I'm your friend even if you don't consider of me as one.

Lisa: I still ruined your day and beautiful smile though. So, I'm sorry. Please let me make it up to you. Tell me what you like for dinner, I'll buy it. By the way, good luck on your interview. You can do it!
P.S.: I got your back, too. Friends, we are.

Jennie: Don't buy me anything Lisa. Remember, we need to save money. And besides, you've been feeding me for free, so I'll cook us dinner. Also, I'll pay you once I get a job. Thanks for the moral support. I'll see you later.

Lisa: Nah, don't worry about paying me.
Thanks for the breakfast and dinner. See you!

(YAY! This is a huge progress, right? Because if you remember, neither of them liked to lose before. In fact, they hold their prides too high causing them to buttheads and dislike each other all the time.)

Lisa and Jennie were extremely happy and relieved that neither of them were mad at each other – their hearts smiled widely and jumped wildly in celebration for they're officially friends now. However, will both of them take it one notch higher than being friends? Well, let's find out as we go along.


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Friday 7PM... This is the first time in a long time Lisa feels really excited about going home after work. No, it's not because there's home cooked food waiting but because of a person named Jennie Kim.

However, as soon as Lisa arrived home she heard the apple of her heart's sniffles. She immediately knew it was bad news, so Lisa went to comfort Jennie.

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