C15: Uncertainty 2

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Jisoo figured if her auntie really knew Jennie is married, she wouldn't have asked her who – because Amelia would have quietly flown to New York to pull them by their hair and drag them back to Korea, chain them in the basement and let them starve and rot to die. Ok, Jisoo's exaggerating just a tiny bit – Amelia will only mercilessly ask them to kneel on monggo beans while balancing 5lbs books on each hand for 4 hours and if they drop the books, they'll get a good smacking on the ass until they tell the truth.

Come on, Jisoo. Be creative!

"KIM JISOO, don't you dare lie to me. I know that look." Amelia's deadly threat is palpable.

"What??? Jennie is married??? When did that happen??? That fucking Kim!!!"

Amelia was taken aback by her niece's shocked response, "Language."

"Sorry... But auntie how is Jennie married when she's still sharing an apartment with Lisa??? Also, I didn't see any wedding ring on her finger when she visited a while ago. Where did you get this news???... Ohmygod! I'm truly appalled!" Jisoo exclaimed, she placed her right hand on her chest, she looked as if she was genuinely shaken by the news – she could replace Jennie for best actress. I mean, for best liar.

"Someone tagged a photo of her in a wedding dress with a congratulatory message... You don't know about it? You don't know Estella? I see you're friends with her on Facebook."

"Auntie, I don't check my Facebook much... And it doesn't make sense that Estella only posted and congratulated Jennie without the groom, does it?"

"Well, it could be Jennie asked Estella to exclude her husband."

"It still doesn't make sense... Don't worry auntie, I'll fish for information and let you know if there's any truth to that juicy breaking news."

"Tell us immediately."

"I will, auntie... What would you like me to do or say to Jennie IF she's indeed married?"

"We want to meet that bastard who took advantage of her... Jennie can't marry without our consent. She knows that and she knows the consequence."

"What consequence?"

"She will lose us. It's us or that bastard."

Flabbergasted Jisoo swallowed, her heart ached for Jennie – she couldn't believe her auntie and uncle could do this to their only child who's risking and sacrificing so much for them out of great love.

"I'm sure it's fake news auntie... If Jennie says it's nothing, I believe her. Because the last thing she'll do is to hurt you and uncle. And she's not stupid to do something that will make you disown her because Jennie loves you both so much. More than anyone or anything." Jisoo lied for a good cause, but it's all true that Jennie loves her parents unconditionally.

Jisoo was relieved when she saw her auntie's scary stone-cold face softened – Amelia looked like she bought Jisoo's lies and realized she may be overreacting and unjustly untrusting of their only child. As soon as Amelia and Jisoo bid farewell...

"Fucking Jennie Ruby Jane Kim!!! Answer the goddamn phone." Jisoo's exasperated that her cousin's still not picking up her 25th call. She was about to storm into Lisa's apartment when Jennie finally called back.

"Jisooni? Are you okay?" Worried Jennie asked as she never received these alarming number of missed calls from her cousin.

"Auntie asked me who you married."

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