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You were coming back from your extra school with your 3 friends in your car. They wanted to see your house so you let them come home with you. You had a strawberry frappe in your palm, drinking as you turned the wheel. As much as you wanted to meditate by yourself, they were purposefully making your day more arduous. You were the one driving, Alan right next to you, and Enna next to Lorelei in the back.

You took a sip from your frappe while you turned the wheel, as soon as Lorelei broke the silence. "So, Y/N, why don't you show us your old account on Genshin?" Lorelei asked, raising her head up to look at you, since you were quite tall.

You nearly spat out the one sip of your frappe when she said that.

"Why? Don't you wonder what Alan is doing with Klee as his DPS or something in the game than to know what my old account was like?" You asked, flabbergasted, since she knew that you felt weird talking about the game.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to know, right?" She said, glancing her head in the front, where Alan was sitting.

Alan looked behind him, humming in question as he took his shades off for you and the other two to stare into his emerald green orb-like pupils. They reminded you of that character from Genshin your other friend, Ena, told you about.

What was him name again..? Oh right, Shikanoin Heizou.

Alan oddly looked like Heizou, well, from how your friends described Heizou since they didn't wanna spoil you about the updates that occurred in the game.

"I mean, yeah, you never told us about how it was for you when you played it," he replied in a soft, calm tone, " it really wouldn't hurt to show us, wouldn't it?" He had such a beautiful voice to you, you might have fainted when you first met him.

By the time he said that, you guys were already at your house. Surprisingly, you lived in your own penthouse. You had won the lottery somehow, and nearly got sued for it, but still got the money and bought a penthouse. The other three stood in front of the penthouse shock as they looked

Your cheeks flushed in pink, embarrassed about not only Alan's charm, but the fact they were staring at you. "Uhm...alright, I guess...since this is my first time inviting people to my house, so uh, please try not to break anything." You said, trying to keep calm. Obviously, you failed. You unlocked it, letting them inside your house to see your lavishly decorated house.

 You unlocked it, letting them inside your house to see your lavishly decorated house

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Caption - the living room.

Your friends tried to keep calm until they got to your room. They started feeling envious, but not in a bad way.

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