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You started running towards Enna, as you finally reached the destination that was supposed to be impossible based on how far the lands were. You looked around to see a few orange-leaves trees, a few houses, and some people out. You were in Springvale, somehow. You were very surprised glitches worked not only in game but in a situation like this.

"I swear to our god that if you scurry off again, I'll make sure your legs won't be functioning for a week." You threatened. She only looked at you, her face flushed in red. You realized what you said, stammering.

"U-uh...LET'S JUST GO, OKAY?" You took Enna's wrist and  stood near a tree waiting for the others.

You and her stayed silent for a while, the only thing being heard were a few people conversing and some wild animals. Breaking the silence, she tugged on your sleeve.

"I just wanted to say, I missed you. We all did," she said blushing a little. You smiled, patting her head.

"Same for me, I just couldn't imagine myself enjoying this without you, but I had to." She looked at you with sparkling eyes as you looked at her confusedly.

"When we get back, can you tell us your stories?" You nodded, chuckling at her hushed "yes!"

The three people finally arrived, Alan wrapping his arms around you while the Wanderer just glared. You didn't know if it was directed towards you or Alan, but that wasn't the matter.

"Stop wasting time, we need to go." You looked towards the bitter boy, nodding as you pushed Alan off ever so slightly and started walking with the boy. The others followed you two in a hurry.

"How could you still stay here and not try to escape even after people targeted their obsessive love onto you?" He questioned bitterly, as you averted your attention towards him.

"I wanted to see how far it'd go. I hadn't expected that it went this far though," you said, your voice slightly breaking.

"Our actual creators created other games based on romance. This game was created in a similar way, but it wasn't that obvious." You didn't seem surprised, as their voice lines about the traveller would have that romantic feeling to it, only for some of them.

"Honestly, I pity you," he said, "and feel bad for you."

"That last part was mumbled, what'd you say?"

"N-nothing, shut up." You giggled, covering your mouth with your hand. He looked at you angrily, his face tinted red.

"Aww!" Lorelei cooed, making both of you look at her.

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" She laughed, walking up towards the two of you.

"Hey, what were you taking about?!" Alan and Enna yelled, catching up from behind.

"They realized too fast.."

"Honestly, I'm quite disappointed in you. Nevertheless, they are still here, so we have a chance still." A blonde said holding their sword to their chest, sharpening the blade.

"No, we need to attack that boy from Sumeru. He's been buddy-buddy with their holiness for too long." A redhead said, their tone mutter and cold.

"Can't say I deny. They didn't even listen to me, and kept going out when there is inevitable danger." Another blonde said.

"_____ thinks that we should try reforming them, and then they'll stay here!" A little floating child said, only making it more awkward.

"They won't fall for that, they already know that their friends got locked up, and are already here." Everybody glared daggers at the captain, who glared at them right back.

"Once their holiness is saved, let's keep them captive here. It won't be long until they give in~" a lady with purple attire said.

"I guess that'll be the plan.." Sucrose said shyly, her cheeks flushed in red.

"How are we going to get up there..?" Lorelei asked, looking up a large mountain. Turns out that Zhongli came and made a literal mountain to block you all. How did he know was what you were asking yourself.

"I can carry Lorelei up as we climb because she's dead weight, Alan can probably climb, we already know how the Wanderer will, but I'm not sure for N/N," Enna said looking up the mountain. You were looking up in disbelief, but you weren't gonna let someone carry you whatsoever.

"I'll just climb." You eyed around for a few shortcuts because you didn't have proper stamina.

"I can just carry you, you know that right?" Alan requested before the Wanderer. The indigo-haired boy scowled silently as the girls stared at the scene.

"Nah, I'll climb. I need exercise anyways," you said as you stretched your arms out.

"Don't you hate exercise?-"

"Shut up En, we don't question." Enna huffed from Lorelei's scolding.

After a while, they all finally got up there!.....except you, you were still climbing.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Alan yelled in question down to you.

"Actually, give me a minute or two." They watched you let go and fall down.

"What are they doing..?" Everybody shrugged at Lorelei's question.

Not a second later you were already behind them.


"I completely forgot that Keqing gave me a little teleportation device, now let's go." No one said anything after and just followed.

After a while, you all finally made it to Mondstadt. Crouching down under the rags you had when you first came, you scurried quietly into the empty space at the Good Hunter. Sara was off on a trip and there was another place that opened nearby for food, so you all were quite lucky.

Enna and Lorelei were hiding somewhere near Angel's Share, Alan hiding behind several packages of flowers by Flora, and Wanderer was effortlessly hiding by floating above another gate into Mondstadt. Earlier, you all made a plan to scout the area close to their hiding spot to find any trace of Klee, Sucrose, or Albedo.

The most trusted source was Albedo since he built the portal to bring you guys here himself.

Once the clock rung, you all would rush to another spot. It was only a matter of seconds till the bell would ring.

The clock had struck, and the bell ring which triggered you all to run. You scurried off to the statue in front of the church, being careful not to make any sounds. You could see everyone getting there, as Wanderer ended up next to you.

"How did you get here?"

"Hah, seriously? Pathetic." You rolled your eyes as you all arrived.

"Finally we're here!" Enna said happily.

"Yes, now let's get-" you were suddenly cut off, being knocked out along with your friends, and even the Wanderer was knocked out.

"Tsk tsk, I told you that everything was dangerous," was the last thing you heard before blacking out.

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