Bonus: With your friends...

730 25 1

"Enna for goodness sake, why are you hugging the curtains." Alan asked, in disbelief from what she did earlier

*Flashback: she was scurrying everywhere around the confinement for comfort to sleep, but found none so curled up in a ball, but then she started crying and then she started talking nonsense.

"...why...why..." Enna muttered while starting to cry again. Alan's eyes narrowed, as his eyes knit in a guilty way.

Lorelei who was laying on the little bed in the corner gestured her hand to Enna to lay on her, and quickly Enna obeyed as she went to Lorelei, sat down, and rested her head on Lorelei's chest.

"Heh, I've went yandere too... well I can't deny...they are as mesmerizing as the day I met them." He muttered.

Enna started sobbing into Lorelei's chest, which Lorelei pout in guilt.

"I miss Y/N...their stupid face...the way they'd scold me for taking their stuff every now and then...the way they'd fall for Ganyu...damnit..!" she started sobbing harder at the end. Lorelei started crying as she held Enna's small figure around her. Alan crawled up to them, and joined in the small circle of comfort.

"I don't like it in here...why....." Enna said through sniffles.

"We need to stay hopeful, maybe they can convince them to let us go...after all...

They are one of the heavenly principles, am I wrong?"

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