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The sky was decorated in orange and pink hues, peppered by its faint clouds. You smiled, heading towards Angel's Share. While you were walking, you heard a faint noise. Your ears perked up, as you ran towards the location. As you neared, you saw a giant viper's head sticking out of a pink lake.

"Ah, hello your holinesssss. Or, Y/N, if that'ssssss ok." The snake bellowed, his voice deep and bone-chilling.

"Wait a minute- Hoyo?" You asked, which the viper nodded. Hoyo was your snake that you owned back at your house, and you hadn't seen him since then.

"You better give me a hug right now-" the snake rose from the water, trace along its long, scaled body. You looked at Hoyo again. Hoyo still had the albino scales, but had black stripes.

"You still look as handsome as the day you arrived." You announced, dreamily. The snake nodded.

"Maybe later on, I can go visssit you. I can go from a body of water to another, sssso you might ssssee me." The snake told, slowly drowning itself back into the water.

"That would be...quite interesting to see." You reply, sweating a little from the thought.

"It, be gone, I need to go fight that worm in Sumeru." The snake dove down, as his tail splashed the water.

Worm? In sumeru? Confusion went through your mind.

You returned back to Mondstadt at night, and since you weren't tired, you walked around the city. The sky of Teyvat was much prettier than the pitch black sky with the occasional stars that freckled the sky. The clouds spoke together migrating through the sky, and the birds soared through, not making any sound. In all honestly, you thought it was better here, but only because of the birds not making much noise. It felt peaceful. The silence would normally be broken by Enna and Lorelei fighting over constellations that they saw first or whatever. You still wonder where they are, because they'd be back by now. Or they got lost. That's a possibility.

You snapped out when you heard a claymore in the distance. You sprinted to the area, seeing a red haired male fighting an abyss mage. Oh yeah, Diluc also is the Darknight Hero... it's not that surprising to you, he seemed so shady at the bar when Kaeya invited you. You were so sure he was part of the Fatui at first but then you recalled what they had told you about him, so you were fine with it.

He turned to your direction, which startled you into hiding back behind the wall. You heard his footsteps walk away. You sighed in relief, shutting your eyes.

"Your holiness."

Your eyes shot up at him, his tall arms capturing you between them. Your cheeks turned slightly red, but you were mostly scared.

"Oh, uhm....hello..?" You reply, not knowing how to respond. His head tilts, which made you sweat.

"Apologies, I had returned from visiting a friend here-!"

"What friend?" He said with dark intent. You sweat once more. Why were you sweating? Oh right;

1. Diluc was done dirty by the game and is actually hot.

2. He has a Pyro vision.

"Somewhere near Liyue I met a good friend of mine I hadn't seen in a while." You answered, sweating profusely than before.

"I understand. Apologies." He answered, brushing his coat off for dust.

"No worries, Darknight Hero. Now, I'll be going-" you were cut off when Diluc wrapped his right arm around your left, as if in a couple way.

"I'll escort you back." He stated. It didn't seem like he'd stop, so you let him bring you back, which you did. You arranged some small talk with him, such as matters with the Winery, and so on.

You arrived at your abode, as you let go. You noticed Diluc's frown seemed to become wider. You ignored it, thinking it was your imagination.

"Thank you Diluc, I appreciate you taking time to escort me. Also, apologies on behalf of that little incident." You replied formally, bowing.

"Don't bow your head..." he said, his voice sounding slightly embarrassed.

You gave him a closed-eye smile, tilting your head.

"Before I go.." you tilt your head in question of Diluc's mysterious response. You felt lips press on your cheek as your eyes widen.

Diluc then ran quickly back to his Winery with embarrassment.

You giggled, walking into your little home.

With your friends

"Ok, just why? We are Y/N's friends too! Cant you spare us?!"

Nahida stood in front of your chained friends, head down.

"I'm so sorry. I cant let you guys escape."

Alan's lips parted in disbelief. "You told us you were able to help us! Why are you locking us up?!"

"Silence." Said a voice appearing from behind the lesser lord.

Alan shut his mouth, while holding Enna who was extremely traumatized.

"Nahida had saved you from the archons, but that had also led to her being a subject as a victim. To not start a war, we have signed a contract; to keep you captive."

Alan's tears welled up.

"Ok...but, could you possible tell us where Y/N is..?"

Rukkhadevata raised her head slightly. "Their holiness is currently in Mondstadt."

Alan's eyes widened. You were spared. Sad smiles crept up on Enna, Alan, and Lorelei's faces, hearing that you were okay.

"Hm, I still don't understand what's so threatening about them.." Nahida whispered, "they don't even feel any jealousy towards their holiness."

Rukkhadevata nodded, turning from Nahida to your friends.

"The terms on conditions weren't included, so we'll be the judge of that. With that, you guys will be able to live in here, even though captivated. You'll get all your necessary needs, although, I cant guarantee that they are great, as everyone in Teyvat have brutal intentions." The greater lord announced. Alan nodded, laying Enna down on their futon. They still had chains on, but they were bearable enough to sleep with.

"Now that's settled, we'll leave you be." Nahida announced, leaving while holding Rukkhadevata's hand.

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