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You woke up in the middle of the night, head stirring in tiredness. Your door opened to see Alan in his pajamas. He seemed really tired, but for some reason determined when coming in. He turned to you, as if knowing you were awake.

"Uhm...hey, Y/N?" He asked, you hummed in response.

"Can I...sit with you on the bed?"

You nodded, patting the spot next to you for him while scooting over. He got onto the bed, exactly on the spot he told you.

"Recently on Genshin, weird things have been happening. I wanted to tell you about this because it is a bit dangerous," he said.

"What about it?" You ask.

"Basically, over the past few months, maybe after you left, chests didn't give enough rewards, more monsters were frequent, and even characters don't act normal. I want you to be careful about it." He said while grasping your shoulders.

"What about the characters..?" You question, with worry.

"The characters seem more angry, and uh, when I tried to get rewards, they end up literally taking my money. Not only that, some characters of mine disappeared from my account..! The game is pretty much starting to cause trouble for not only me, but for Enna and Lorelei." He said, wasting all of it in one breath.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Now there's a chance I'll need to delete the game," you exclaimed. You sighed. "Sorry, didn't mean to start yelling like that."

"It's okay, I understand. Just for now, be careful in game, also tell us if anything odd happens or...something much more threatening happens." He says, finally letting go of your shoulders.

"I'm hoping I'll be fine. I'll see what I can do after you guys leave, Kay?" You answer, determined to find the problem. He nodded in agreement. "I'll go back to my room, sorry for intruding." He said, his voice softening.

"The only thing you did is intrude my happiness," you said with a light chuckle.

"Shut up, and sleep in peace." He said, before slamming the door not that loudly.

Now that he was gone, you wanted to see what this was actually about in the game, because you hadn't seen it earlier. You went to your PC and logged in to Genshin after turning it on and getting into the tabs. Surprisingly, it was already logged in. You excused it, and went into game and tried to get proof of them doing the things Alan had told you.

But, it was quite the opposite.

They all had normal expressions, which was the first strike. Second strike was the monsters;  barely ANY monsters were found by you, and when there were, they all left you alone. It was...startling, to you. The third strike was the chests, they all were white chests that were lined with gold, or chests that had a few acquaint fates. You had no money withdrawn from doing another pull, which you had gotten 1 5-star and 3 4-stars (which they will not be labeled).

You sighed in frustration, seeing this. Either this was another glitch, or a literal ripoff of the game that you had accidentally downloaded.

You went back to your bed after getting off of Genshin and turning off the PC. You rested your back and relaxed your shoulders. You drifted off to sleep, now being vulnerable to some somewhat possible enemies....


The next day arrived very quickly, which made you tiredly frustrated. You had gotten up, ready to shift off the blanket, but there was no blanket in sight, or reach. You turned to your left and right, seeing Alan, Enna, and Lorelei. You guys were resting under a huge, but glorious tree. Not too far was a Statue of the Seven tree. Your friends were right beside you, but still unconscious. Your breathing paced much more quickly. How the hell did you get here? What is this place?

No, that didn't matter now. All you needed to do is leave.

You attempted to wake up Alan and the others, which you successfully did.

"...I'm sorry, am I dreaming?" Enna said, with a terrified, but amazed face. You scoffed at her antics. She pinched herself, hissing in pain. She  hummed to herself, which meant that she understood the situation. Well, barely.

You gave them some dark, hooded rags for them to wear, for concealment. They questioned you how you got these rags, but you flipped them off. All together, you guys walked through the area trying to find the City of Freedom, which wasn't far from here, as it seemed from its buildings' silhouettes towering over the wall. Your breath hitched hearing Amber's grunts from destroying a minor hilichurl camp. Your hands coiled over to Alan's, gripping it as hard as you could so they could stop staring at Amber before she noticed.

Not too long after, you reached the bridge to the city. The city on the outside and inside was decorated with banners, ribbons, and streamers. Odd enough, there were a lot of people there. Strange..

"Should we try and go in? Maybe we shouldn't...or should we?" Lorelei said, in a trembling whisper. Enna elbowed her, as a way of saying "don't worry about it", which didn't exactly help her.

You motioned them to look at you, which they complied. "

We are gonna need to run in, just so we don't get caught by the guards," you whispered to them, "I'll count us down, count of three, 'Kay?"

They glanced to each other, and then to you. They nodded, which you hummed in agreement to. You grasped their hands, and gripped onto them tightly.

"3...2..." you said in a quick whisper, "1."


Cliffhanger lol-

Hope you enjoyed! Probs gonna post this way later on because of trash internet-

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