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You got dressed in a nice outfit today. This time, a trench coat with white undergarments inside. Yes, white undergarments because those are sexy. No, you aren't doing anything unholy.

You met up with Hoyo, as he turned into his human form while stepping out of the water. Your face immediately turned red and you looked away from his bare but tough figure.

"What? Oh right....humanssssss wear clothesssss...." He said. His voice sounded a bit deep, but was smooth. Your perspective of him was somewhat different now, but other than that you still cared about him in a normal way.

After he changed into clothes, he trotted up to you calmly. He wore a V-neck kimono top that revealed a part of his chest. The tufts of his sleeves were cloud-designed with turquoise hues. On top was a white and turquoise-lined haori, with grayish-turquoise pants that concealed his white getas.

You looked up at his hair. His hair was tied up into a ponytail, which for both his bangs and his ponytail, were messily cut at the bottom.

"I know, I look amazzzing, don't I~?" He teased, pulling his V-neck top over to the side a little to show off another part of his chest.

He had actual man tiddies-

"Hahaha....shut up." You said, your face now more red.

"Admit it, maybe then I'll keep quiet~?" He inquired in a seductive tone. You gulped.

"Yes, you do look....amazing." You muttered.

"Heh, knew it." He mumbled, smirking. You scowled, going closer to him. You hugged him, burying your head in his chest window. After a minute of shock, he hugged you back whilst rubbing circles onto your back.

"I must be going now, I have to beat up that worm in Sumeru again..." Hoyo whispered into your ear, bending down. (A reminder, he's 6"8)

"Eh, okay! Good luck!" You seductively whispered, pecking his nose and then running away. He took a minute to realize, red blush tinting from the bridge of his nose to his cheeks.

You went to the rooftop, gazing back at the clouds that deadpanned you from afar. You smiled back, ignoring the gaze behind you.

His pupils turned sharp, as his cheeks flushed red. You finally came up here, now was his chance.

You finally felt a gaze on you, turning behind to see the guardian yaksha-.... Why the f*** was he taller than you?! You're 5"5 and he's supposed to be about 2 inches shorter than you!

He went closer to you, gripping your jaw as he held his gaze against yours. His golden, dark eyes were shimmered like actual gold. But he looked a lot more angry than usual, so you didn't say anything. But why were his cheeks red..?

"Your holiness..." he said, his tone husky. You blushed slightly.

"May I..." he stammered, trying to get out the words. You understood, so you took the lead. You pressed your lips against his, as he jumped slightly in surprise. He wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing you deeply. You pulled away, a string of saliva between you two.

He desperately needed more from you. You tasted better than anything he's ever eaten. If only he could just...

"You know, you've been staring at me for quite a while. You want something else? Almond tofu?" You asked.

"No, you." He said honestly, looking at you hungrily. You blushed harshly, not knowing what to do. His gold, glimmering eyes brimmed with deep desperation, and he seemed a bit lazier than normal.

"S-sorry... my apologies-"

You teleported him and you to your abode, chuckling awkwardly.

"I'm not so sure what type of affection you desire, but I'd assume you want cuddles...right?" You ask softly, as you were embarrassed.

He nodded, wrapping his arms around you while following you to the bedroom. He pushed you onto the bed, getting in next. He immediately wrapped an arm around your back, the other ruffling your hair softly. You instinctively hugged him back, but made space for his head to lay in the crook of your neck. He rest in your embrace peacefully, kissing you again much more passionately.

The next day, Xiao was gone. You didn't really care, because you assumed it was the fact that he was an adeptus. Also, the karmic debt thing.
You got up, changing into something different. You really wanted to go to Sumeru, really badly.

You are somewhat of a forest geek. You love the outdoors even though you don't go out often. That's why you plan trips with your friends every year, as the trips include going snorkeling, fishing, and swimming, etc.

You left your abode, now deciding to go the Sumeru. You decided that if you get attacked, you would immediately teleport somewhere else. You didn't have time to go train.

"Oh, where are you going?" Ganyu asked as you ran by. You turned to her quickly.

"I'm going to go to Sumeru to find my friends, I'll visit again!-" you were stopped when she held you by the waist.

"You're leaving me already..?" She asked softly. Your eyes narrowed in guilt, but brushed it off.

"I'll visit you after I find my friends, I promise!" You exclaimed in a rush.

"That's what they always say." A certain adeptus says going next to Ganyu.


"You'll never return back to us if you go to them. Heck, why do you even care for them? We are all here for your love, but you choose those peasants who dare-" you cut the two off.

"They are my life! They have been with me for all of my struggles. Yet you say you can fill in their place?" You say subconsciously in anger.

The two stared at you. Not only with anger, but obsession. You were willing to yell at an adeptus for someone you cared about. Moreover, someone you loved. That gave them more the reason to worship you. They were also boiling with anger, due to you caring more about your friends than them.

You were starting to get nervous. Insane, dreamy smirks crept up their face as their eyes broke into your terrified ones.

You turn and run, starting to tear up. You missed having a good life, not a life where people tried to tear your friends from you just to take their place, but not in a friendly way.

You slowly return into your own little dimension, and fall onto your bed. You hold Dodoco in your arms. Klee was adorable, but you weren't sure if she was even a platonic yandere too. Those exist too!

You slowly succumbed into the void of thought, as you awaited the inevitable outcome of this world. And of your life.

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