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As soon as you got to three, you sprinted across the bridge while grasping your friends who were horrendously trying to catch up to you who was running at a terrifying speed. You ran past the guards, who got startled by your sudden rush into the city. They realized for a moment, and went to chase after you. You weren't looking where you were going, so you had ended up bumping into someone.

The poor child was pushed by you, which you realized immediately. The girl wore mostly red, and with a few other accessories to compliment her adorable outfit. She seemed to be from the Knights of Favonius. 

"I'm so sorry! Are you oka-" you were cut off when the guards took you by you and your friends' hands.
Your eyes widened in fear when you saw the girl's eyes widen, just a bit.

Her lips parted to say something, but Alan was dragged by one of the guards, which had gotten you dragged. A random bystander had called Jean, who was already near the area. You trembled, your heart sinking while slowly thinking about the consequences.

"State your name," she said in a stern voice. She was talking to you specifically, since you seemed to be the leader when you were coming. You felt like you were gonna get enslaved and tortured, but you brushed it off to not show defeat.

You took too long, which had led her to make the guards slap you, which they did. The impact when his hand slapped you felt absolutely terrible. You whimpered quietly.

"If you don't reveal yourself now, stranger, your friends shall be harmed accordingly."

Your heart stopped that moment.

You shook off the guards grasp, and stood to her. She was incredibly tall, which you were terrified of.
From the crowd, there was a green-peppered individual with an exotic clothed boy that was also accompanied by a fairy of some sort. They seemed familiar.

You pulled off the hood, revealing your h/c locks and glossed, watery eyes from stress.

The crowd stared at you with horror, as if you might have been something important, even more important than themselves and their family.

Jean backed away from you, but very slowly. She then bowed her head, which had surprised you.

"Your Holiness, on behalf of me and the Knights of Favonius, I deeply apologize for mistakening yo-"

"Miss Y/N!" Klee exclaimed happily while cutting off the Grandmaster. She rushed to you, pulling you into a small hug. Everybody gasped as they heard her say your "sacred" name, while hoping you wouldn't punish her.

You smiled, hugging the little girl back while caressing her hair and giving her head pats. Jean smiled at you, her cheeks turning a little pink. She cleared her throat to get everybody's attention, including yours.

"As repayment for misjudging you, may I escort you to the Knights of Favonius headquarters?" She asked, holding her hand out to you.

You hesitated for a moment, but brushed it off when you remembered that your friends were still in their cloaks. You still held Klee, since she wanted to stay with you.

"Uhm, yes, but could you let my friends go to come with me?" You asked. Jean nodded, which led to your friends hugging you from the back after taking off their hoods. You smiled at your friends, not noticing the dagger-staring glares that were thrown at them.

Jean motioned you to follow her to the HQ, which you did. You arrived there in short time, which somewhat surprised you. Klee was happily talking to you about the places in the city of freedom, as if she knew that you didn't know this place as much. You nodded to everything she said as you went in.

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