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You were smothered. Literally. You were just walking through Liyue Harbor, and you were bombarded by small children. Those that were there were Qiqi and Yaoyao. They were incredibly adorable, but you were being smothered now to the max. Qiqi held you by your hand while Yaoyao in the other, bringing you to meet their babysitter, who you didn't know was Ganyu.

As you arrived in the Wangshu Inn, you saw a certain girl with blue hair and black and red lines horns. Qiqi pat Ganyu's shoulder, which made the adeptus girl snap out of her other łeye world. She turned towards you, meeting your flustered red-tinted face. Ganyu's cheeks turned red, as she smiled awkwardly.

"Ah, your holiness! It's a pleasure to-" she was cut off by Qiqi. "Cocogoat Milk."

Ganyu scoffed unnoticed, and flustered. "I've told you before, I'm not a cocogoat!" She replied embarrassed. You giggled. Yaoyao giggled with you, squeezing your hand.

"It's nice to meet you too. If you don't mind, whenever you're free today, could we hangout?" You asked blushing happily. Blush spread from the bridge of her nice to her cheeks.

"Ah!- of cour-" she was cut off. A phrase whispered into her mind.

"You have full-time duty today, remember." It was a bit husky, but also a bit high. Just a little bit.

"...actually, something came up, I just remembered.." she said, annoyed and sad. Your eyes widen slightly.

"Ah no, it's fine! We can hang out another time, but until then.." you hugged her tightly after letting go of Yaoyao's hand, caressing Ganyu's head, "please do come by to visit before your normal duties~"

Her face tinted into a vibrant red, as she stammered a reply. You giggled, waving as you left. Yaoyao raised a brow while Qiqi leaned her head on Ganyu's leg.

You returned somewhere in the middle of Liyue Harbor. You were about to space out and walk when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see...

Oh god you hated him (well I do-)

He had many names, that were very well known by the fandom of Genshin.

Ajax, cleaning product, Ed Sheeran, Child(e), Tartaggles, etc.

"Your holiness! It's an honor to meet you!" You grit your teeth before turning to plaster a fake smile at him.

"It's nice to meet you too..!" You said through an annoyed complexion. You hoped he hadn't noticed.

"May I treat you out to lunch? I'm right now assuming you haven't had any." He asked politely. Your eyes widened as you realized. You hadn't ate anything more than Mondstadt Hashes this morning...
But you also didn't want to eat lunch with rip-off Ed Sheeran so...

"I'm alright, thank you for the kind gesture though." You said, trying not to sound mean. He pouted, but then it changed to a smile.

"No worries! Although.." he whispered in your ear, "I would love to spar with you sometime~"

You scowled at him as he walked away.  He was absolutely annoying, and that's coming from the one who made Teyvat, aka you. You were still quite skeptical about the game, because if it was that simple to have gotten these, why didn't they give it to you earlier? At this point the game was just playing favorites.

You then decided to go find your friends, so you started your unconscious walk to Sumeru. You looked at a map somewhere, and it had shown all of Teyvat, so you knew where you could go.

You closed your eyes, letting out a deep breath. Your eyes opened, as they were the same e/c hue, but was slightly more grey. You subconsciously admired the scenery around you. The way the orange leaves danced together ever so softly with the wind, and the peaceful silence that was disturbed by the wind once in a while. You snapped out when Aether had bumped into you. He was about to fall, when you caught him by his braid and pulled him towards you.

His face was merely inches away from yours. You could feel his warm breath against your skin, as you deadpanned his red tinted and flustered expression. He held you by the waist, but not pulling you any closer as he was close to fainting from the tension.

"Ah, sorry traveller. I must be going now!-" Aether grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him.

"Your holiness, you often walk to places without even thinking. It's dangerous, don't you know..?" Aether said, his bottom lip slightly trembling. You hadn't noticed, but tilted your head.

"It should be fine, I can fight for myself-"

"Hadn't you just started learning how to use a polearm? You could at least be trained before going out there recklessly!" Paimon said, popping up out of nowhere.

You thought about it for a moment, but in the end they were right. You hadn't been able to train properly with your newly acquired polearm.

"Oh, you're right...heh, thanks for reminding me traveller." You asked, slight embarrassment rising in your voice.

He grinned softly, as his cheeks turned red. He brought you back, holding your hand as you went back.

As you arrived to Liyue, Aether led you to the Wangshu Inn for dinner, since after you left to go to Sumeru, it was starting to become nighttime. The Teyvat night sky still beats the Earth's night sky by a million marks. While everybody had a full course meal, you had a singular donut you packed.

(Remember: this Y/N is somewhat based off of me. Yes, I do eat very less food for lunch, and it's not even because of breakfast.)

"Your holiness aren't you gonna eat something else...?!" Paimon asked in disbelief.

"No, I don't eat much." You reply, just finishing chewing your last donut piece.

"Do your friends encourage to eat less, or..?" Aether asked.

"Oh, quite the contrary, they actually eat a lot more than me. They are the ones encouraging me to eat more." You told, laying back

"You know, I'd expect you to eat a lot more..." Xingqiu said, putting his finger to his chin in a thinking position.

"Xingqiu! That's rude..!" Chongyun exclaimed, lightly slapping Xingqiu's arm.

"Ah, apologies my liege..." Xingqiu said, as if he expected punishment.

"It's fine, a lot of people thought of me like that anyway!" You said worryingly.

"Aren't you supposed to eat a lot? Like in the books?" Paimon asked.

"Nah those are- excuse me what." You said in surprise.

"Yeah, there are books about you, even on your abilities! Xingqiu is reading it right now!" Paimon said confusedly, pointing at Xingqiu.

"Hand it to them." Chongyun said, almost threateningly. To which, Xingqiu happily gave the book to you.

You searched through every page, only to find they spoke lies about you in the book.

"I'm wondering why they'd spread false info..." you muttered, but loud enough to hear by the other 4.

You guys spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing, while your stalker, who now identified as one of the Guardian Yakshas; Alatus, or more well known as, Xiao.

He needed you. Desperately. You were the cure to his sadness, the only thing that could make him feel relieved and loved. The only problem was Ganyu.

You were a hardcore simp for her, and that seemed to be a connection that you wouldn't let go of. For the better, for him, and for the others, I guess he has to....

"Mark" their territory.

Hello everyone! Apologies for the chapter changes and all, some of the chapters didn't go how good I thought they would, so I had redone them a little. I hope you aren't mad with Y/N's height change....had to make the characters somewhat taller than them...

Yes that includes Xiao too bc I like combo of shorties x towers (short person x tall person)

If you are tall, please ignore shortie comments or such. Also, if you have a complaint about my ship dynamic pls don't bc I don't really care. If ur gonna say that it's a problem to only use this type of dynamic, go read another book bc most of the characters are going to be a few inches or more taller than her :)

That's all I had to say, thanks for reading! Also thanks for 1k reads, I wanted to make content people could actually enjoy :')

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