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You cooked up dinner and served it to your friends, while you all told corny jokes.

"What do you call college in one building?" You said, catching their attention after they finished their previous jokes. They tilted their heads in question, but with a tired aura surrounding them after wearing out their mouths by talking the whole day.

"University." You blurted out, with a smug grin.

Your friends groaned in defeat. You won them over with your terrible jokes and immediately became known as 'Cyno 2.0'. Not like you minded though, the character was really good, and his attempts to tell jokes are adorable to you.

"Hey Y/N, are you gonna get back to Genshin?" Alan asked, taking a cup of packed ice cream from the fridge.

You nodded. "Probably, since the characters I got are good enough to help me complete most parts you guys said, I'll give it a go." You said, resting the bottom of your head in your palms.

Enna and Lorelei's grin widened when you replied that, snickering to each other. You noticed, raising an eyebrow. "Is something up?" You asked, while going to make some tea.

They glanced back to you in a hurry, shaking their head in a furious manner. You chuckled at their childish antics once again.

"How about we do another wish pull thing, or whatever it was called? It's pretty fun, not gonna lie!" You said, facing towards the two identical girls while finishing pouring your tea.

They glanced back to you, nodding heavily in agreement. You grinned, taking a sip of your tea. The tea was a gift from Alan, a special package with other teas that I could taste test.

"Mmm~!" You sounded out from the teacup after finishing it. "Alan, you've been doing so well on the tea! I am honestly jealous!" You finished.

His face flushed in red as you said that. "Hehe, it's nothing..!" He said, bashfully. You smiled, with a little chuckle.

"Now that we're done, let's get back to the game," you said, "I wanna see what these characters can do."

You and your friends went back to the PS5 and opened Genshin after eating.

You hear a notification on your phone about someone at the door; it was Enna and Lorelei's parents. Unlike Alan who packed and got ready for the sleepover, they forgot about it and left their stuff at home, so their parents came to bring their supplies.

You sighed in disapproval, signaling Alan to go get the door. After 10 minutes, he finally got back with Enna and Lorelei's goods, since he has to go down an elevator to the first floor.

Enna and Lorelei snatched their goods and ran to the bathroom to change. You and Alan sat down near the couch while you set up a blanket there in case they fell asleep.

"I'm stuffed! Can't wait to see you play though," Enna said with a hint of drowsiness in her voice. Enna wore a pajama set that was decorated with Hu Tao's ghost, while Lorelei wore one that had a pattern similar to Kazuha's. As they sat down, you turned on Genshin.

"Hm, I wonder how this pull goes, because you aren't at any pity." Alan said, patting your head as if you were a kid. You sent a glare to him, which got him to stop. You were 5'5, and he was 6'0. It wasn't too big of a difference, even though you were still short.

You hummed in response, clicking on the wish icon and immediately clicking on Itto's banner. You then clicked the 10 pull button and confirmed. The wish turned from purple to gold again.

"HUH?!" Enna yelled, her voice echoing in the air. You flinched, dropping the controller. The first thing that came up was a catalyst item called the "Skyward Atlas". You picked up the controller and clicked again to see Heizou, and then another character. She was also on the banner, so you knew the character's design. Apparently her name is Faruzan, a girl that is actually a scientist from "100 years ago". You were quite interested in this character, but brushed it off after.

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