Chapter Five

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The sun shines down on me relentlessly as I tear into the roof tiles, ripping the old off and tossing them down onto the front yard. We'll be replacing the whole roof today and putting a few finishing touches on the yard as well. What was once an almost burned down house is now an almost finished two-story farmhouse, finished in record time thanks to our new volunteers. We had more sign-ups this year than ever before, though most of the kind Christians still gave me wary eyes when they spotted my cut and tattoos. 

Memories of Nora riding next to me flash through my mind, those tanned legs tucked under her in the seat, her head against the window staring out at the town as I drove, her perky breasts stretching the fabric of that gray tank.

"Fuck!" I hiss, catching my footing before I go tumbling off the roof. I've almost tripped at least six times this morning, all because of her. 

I dropped her off at her Gran's safe and sound, but damn how I wanted to throw her on top of the hood of her jeep and savor every inch of her delectable body. I wanted her to scream my name, to tattoo my name on that round ass...

"Yo, Si. Cash just pulled up." Enzo calls from the front yard.

I sigh, pushing away thoughts of Nora and climb down off the roof. Cash steps out of his pickup, the bed full of the new tiles we need. 

"We got a rat." I announce, not bothering to give him the news gently. 

I'd meant to stop by his house last night, but I'd been preoccupied with giving Nora a ride home and then going home to a cold shower. 

"Fucking shit. Who?" He slams his hand down on the toolbox, shoulders tense. 

"Don't know yet, but when we find them, they're mine."

"Agreed. You tell Matteo yet?" Cash's eyes volley between Enzo and I, but I'm the one who answers. 

"No, I don't want him to know a brother almost got him killed until he can get his revenge. He's been through enough shit." 

Cash nods, running a hand through his graying hair. 

"What's the ETA on the brother chapters? Royal blood still needs to be shed for this." I question, wiping my face with the bottom of my shirt. 

"Virginia is on call, they can be here within a few hours if we need them. The rest will need a few days' notice." 

I start hauling out the tiles, stacking them on the ground. "Not soon enough, they need to be here now. Royals could hit us again any day." 

"Best I can do, Si. We're not at war here." 

"Now isn't the time to be reckless." 

My hands fist at my sides as I go nose to nose with Cash, "What the fuck are you so scared of old man?" 

Cash's right hook collides with my face before I can blink, knocking my face to the side. I grind my teeth nearly to dust, spitting my blood at his feet. He fists my collar, yanking me toward him with a snarl. 

"Do I fucking look scared to you?" He seethes. 

"Yeah. You really fucking do." 

We glare at each other, my muscles bracing for another blow. I need to hit something, to beat the hell out of anyone. The need to snap is almost overwhelming at this point. I've been under control for far too long. 

"What is going on, Cash? It's not like you to back down from a fight." I soften my tone, just barely. 

Cash sighs heavily, suddenly looking every bit his age as he swipes his other hand down his face. He releases my shirt and I take a small step back, not taking my eyes off of him as he wrestles with his words. 

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