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Nora- Three Years Later

I stand on the upstairs balcony as the soft summer breeze ruffles my hair. It's been years since the feud with the Royals ended, three years since I've raised my hands to anyone in anger. I've spent time in the ring at the gym downtown, but knowing I'm fighting just for my own enjoyment and not to hurt anyone has lifted a weight from my chest. The breeze rolls through again bringing with it the scents of summer. The roses Silas planted around our home, the home Gran gifted to us, fill the air with their gorgeous floral smell, and just beyond that, the scent of rain.

Just as I recognize it, a light smattering of water sprinkles down around me and I hightail it down the outside staircase to the main porch. A lighthearted chuckle escapes me as I bound down the stairs and under the cover of the wrap around porch. All the secrets and darkness of my past seem so far away standing here on this porch, staring out at the acres of land that now belong to Silas and me. The one place that always felt like home is now mine.

I pad over to the large porch swing, sinking down heavily just as Lydia comes out of the screen door with two glasses of iced tea. She takes the seat beside me, resting her head on my shoulder as we swing softly. The quietness of the moment is interrupted by the roar of a black Harley coming down the drive. I get to my feet, smiling and waving as Cash comes into view. A large box is tied to the back of his bike. He climbs the porch steps, setting the box aside as he wraps me in a warm hug.

"Hey darling, how you feeling?"

"Huge." I laugh, gesturing to my rounded belly.

He places a hand there, a twinkle in his eyes before he turns and places the box in front of me.

"I've held onto this for a long time. Six years to be exact. I wasn't sure if you'd ever come back for it, and then when you did... Well, I wanted to fix it up for you and then..." He rubs the back of his neck, but he doesn't have to explain.

Life has been hectic these last few years. Filled to the brim with weddings, birthdays, holidays and babies. I smile at Cash, placing a hand on his shoulder as I peek down at the box.

"It's okay." I assure him.

He blows out a breath, kneeling down to undo the tape. He glances up at me a few times, gauging my emotions. I'll admit, they've been a bit haywire the last few weeks. The final strip of tape comes tearing off and Cash wipes his palms on his jeans before opening the flaps. Lydia steps up next to me, just as curious as I am when out of the box, Cash pulls out a toddler size, bubblegum pink rocking chair.

My hand flies to my chest as I gasp, tears brimming and flooding down my cheeks before I can get ahold of myself. I stare at that little chair and all the memories come flooding back, rocking on the front porch with Pop, sitting out in the yard as he tinkered under the hood of his pickup, getting up at dawn to watch his westerns with him and crinkle my nose at his black coffee. My blurry gaze darts between the rocker and Cash.

"Shit, I'm sorry Nora. Don't cry, honey."

I shake my head, wrapping my arms around him so tightly I'm sure I'm cutting off his air supply. The sound of a Harley echos down the drive and I squeeze Cash tighter.

"Happy tears, Dad. Happy tears."

Cash pulls back, searching my face. I've accepted it long ago, but this is the first time I've used the title. It suits him, almost as well as...


I step back as my son goes flying into Cash's arms, but I don't miss the tear slipping down his face before it disappears into his salt and pepper beard. I place a hand on my stomach, smiling softly at the small but powerful kick I feel from within. I stare down at my bump and then up at my son and can't help but feel immensely grateful. Though I lost pieces of myself along the way, I've gained so much more. I'm no longer that hardened girl trying desperately to run from her past. I'm no longer the weapon that Jace Prescott shaped me into.

I am Rhett Morrison's daughter and Annie Blackstone's granddaughter. I'm tough as nails, but my heart bleeds red all the same. I take comfort in the fact that I'll never be like my mother, I'll never use my children as bargaining chips or pawns. I will sacrifice everything for their happiness. No matter what, I will be the mother that I was denied.

My eyes sweep over the yard, settling on the gorgeous man dismounting the pale gray Harley a few feet away. Death himself removes his helmet, those chartreuse eyes rolling over my body in a way that still heats my blood to inferno levels after all these years. I hurry down the steps, the rain picking up as I rush through the soaked yard and into his arms. He catches me, spinning me around as laughter rumbles in his chest.

"Hey baby." He murmurs, setting me on my feet as he takes my breath away with a deep kiss.


We burst into laughter as our son, Jesse, wrinkles his nose and drags his Aunt Lydia inside. I drag Silas onto the porch and his hand lands on my belly just as our daughter kicks again. His eyes widen and he kneels down to whisper to our baby girl as I smile at Cash.



I place a hand over the top of my bump, my gaze never leaving Cash's as Silas stays kneeling in front of me.

"We should name her Rhetta."

A soft gasp escapes from Cash's mouth, and Silas gets to his feet looking between the both of us.

"Rhetta Max Lawson."

Silas swallows, squeezing the back of his neck and then clapping Cash on the shoulder.

"Sounds perfect to me, baby."

Pure amazement and wonder fills Cash's face as I pull his hand to my bump, and he feels his granddaughter kick for the first time. And in this moment, it feels like we're surrounded by that magic. Magic I never thought I deserved or would have, but it's here and it's tangible. I can reach out and touch it. So, I do. I wind my arms around my husband, pulling him down for another soft kiss as he sweeps me into his arms. I laugh out loud as he carries me inside, my dad trailing behind us and the sounds of our friends and family echoing from inside.

Whatever happens tomorrow doesn't matter. The world could fall apart, but for today, right this moment, my cup runneth over with joy and bliss. Love is all that matters today.

To hell with all the rest.

The End.

*** I hope you enjoyed Nora and Silas's story. Stay tuned for Ellis and Thea's story. ***

Thank you for reading :)

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