Chapter Eighteen

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My world is awash in red and blue flashing lights. Police mill about, tramping over Gran's yard, firefighters giving me solemn faces. I stare at the crisp remains of Gran and Pop's house, all the memories inside lost to cruelty, lost to a war that had nothing to do with me.

No, that's not entirely true. Whether I like it or not, people I love are involved, so I'm involved in this too. Strong arms wrap around my waist, soft lips pressing a tender kiss to my temple, and I sigh, melting into Silas's arms. I turn in his embrace, hugging him to me as I press my ear against his chest. His thundering heartbeat against my ear pulling a sob from my throat. Silas smooths down my hair, soothing words on his tongue as he holds me.

"We will need to transfer your grandmother to Charleston just to be safe." The paramedic says as he approaches us.

"No," I shake my head, "Fly her to New York. The best hospital in Manhattan."


"Money isn't an issue. Please, our family is there." I snap, and he nods before getting on his radio.

I release Silas, hopping into the back of the ambulance with Gran. I grip her hand in mine, my lips trembling at her frail state. She's always looked younger than her years, but now she looks every bit sixty-seven years old. Her eyes flutter open, focusing on my face and she squeezes my hand while offering a reassuring smile.

"Don't fuss over me, honey. I'll be alright, just need a bit of a rest."

Gran suffered a severe burn to her arm, while Silas took the brunt of it when the ceiling collapsed over them. He swears he's okay, but I'll be checking him over as soon as I get the chance.

"They're gonna fly us to New York, Gran. I'm going to call Lydia and she'll meet us at the hospital. I—" I choke on my words as I glance back at the house.

I was going to say I'd pack us a bag, but there's no bag to pack. There's nothing left. I shake my head, swiping angrily at the tears slipping down my cheeks. Fuck it. Fuck it all to hell. I'd put Jace Prescott's money to good use. I earned most of it for him anyway.

"I'll buy us new clothes and whatever else we need. I've got you Gran." I reassure her with a shaky smile.

"Nora. Honey, you've been driving all day. You're exhausted. Call Lydi, she can meet me at the hospital. You go get some sleep and take a plane tomorrow."

I shake my head, but Gran levels me with a glare.

"I'm not arguing. You need your rest. Silas!" Gran calls, and Silas is there in an instant.

He looks more disheveled than I've ever seen him. His hair pulled away from his face in a messy, low bun. Soot splotches on various spaces of his body. His shirt singed at the bottom and ripped in places. There's cuts and scrapes and a purplish bruise forming on his face.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Take my granddaughter home and see to it that she gets some rest, okay?"

There's a suspicious twinkle in Gran's eye when she makes her request that has me looking between the two of them with furrowed brows. Silas huffs a laugh at my expression, but he doesn't comment on it. He pats Gran's leg with a sincere smile.

"I'll take care of her Annie. Don't worry."

I shake my head again, "Gran, I don't want you going alone—" my words are cut short when she places her hand over my mouth.

"Hush now, dear. No sense in arguing, Silas and I have already decided."

Anxious laughter bubbles up, and I glance between the two of them again.

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