Chapter Fifteen

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Nora- One Week Later

"Why are we here?" Lydia questions, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. 

We've barely spoken since I lost my shit on Cash and Gran last week at the house, and I don't blame her for being angry with me. I deserve it. I said awful hurtful things, things I had no business saying after we'd already made amends. I don't want to blame or hold resentment toward Lydia for things that were out of her control, but this darkness that swirls inside me doesn't care about wants or logic. It just sinks its teeth into my heart until I'm lashing out at whoever is in my path. 

But I don't want to be like that anymore. I don't want to let this darkness alienate everyone in my life who wants to love me. Cash took the first step, making an effort to be in my life since that night in my jeep, and now I'm going to take my first real step with Lydia. She leaves in less than two weeks, and I don't want her going like this. I want to be able to call my sister in New York and hear about her school and her friends and the amazing time I know she's going to have there. I want to be there for her. That's the kind of sister I want to be. 

"We're here," I tighten the wrappings around my hands, "because I won't be able to sleep at night unless I know you can handle yourself in New York." 

Okay, that's partly true. She does need to learn some self-defense, but this is the only thing I'm good at, and the only way I know how to bond with her. If she'll even let me, which based on the go to hell look she's sporting, this may have been a bust. Still, I keep a cheery expression as I bounce on the balls of my feet, my shoes discarded nearby. Lydia flexes her own wrapped hands, both of us dressed similarly in workout gear with our hair pulled out of our faces. Her glower only intensifies. 

"I'm not really interested in partaking in this crap." She snaps. 

I let out a long sigh, rubbing the back of my neck as I take a step closer to her. She doesn't flinch or back away, both movements would have made me throw up if I'd actually thought she feared me, but she does narrow her eyes.  

"Lydi, I know I fucked up the other night. I had no right to say those things to you, and I didn't mean them. You don't have to forgive me, but I am truly sorry for what I said." 

Lydia studies my face, the hardened edge to her blue eyes softening the smallest bit as she steps inside the ring. 

"Show me then." She demands. 

"You sure?" 

She answers by putting her hands up, offering me this silent olive branch and I take it happily. 


Three hours later, I rest my back against the corner of the ring as sweat rolls down my body. Lydia is laid out like a starfish on the other side of the mat, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. I've got one hell of a bruise forming on my cheekbone, and I'm sure Lydia's ribs will be sore as hell tomorrow. I rub at the tender spot on my cheek. Who knew the brat had such a killer right hook? 

"Holy hell, Nora," Lydia chuckles, "When can we do this again?"

"You liked it?" I ask, sitting up to rest my arm on my bent knee. 

"Hell yes! That was the best workout I've had in a while." 

I snort, getting to my feet and taking a long swig of water while Lydi gets to her feet behind me. 

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