Chapter Eleven

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I open my eyes to find my room shrouded in darkness, and the pitter-patter of raindrops tapping against the windows. Nora is wrapped around me, her breathing steady, her skin warm. I blink the sleep from my eyes, yawning into the crook of my arm then rest my head back against the pillow. We've slept the whole day away, together. 

It was such an odd concept having a woman here. Not that I was a stranger to having women in my bed, but not here, not in my home and my personal space. The last time I opened myself up to something like this, I got my heart trampled in the worst way. It was unexpected because I didn't go into my marriage being in love with Caroline, but laying here, with Nora nuzzled against me, I think I could love her. I know I could love her, and that thought is terrifying, more terrifying than all the other bullshit in my life. The bullets, the blades, the possibility of dying every time I step foot outside my door, but as scary as it is, I don't want to run from it. 

If anything, I'm only drawn to her more. I feel protective of her, maybe in the worst way. I thought my bloodlust for the Royals was vicious, but it's nothing compared to what I would do to Nora's father if he was still alive. Watching her break down over God only knows what horrors he inflicted on her has me nearly feral. 

I stare down at her peaceful features, the way her mouth parts slightly as she dreams. I brush my fingers through her long hair, letting the scent of her shampoo calm that vindictive part of me. Nora's been here with me for the last four days, she's seen me at my most vulnerable and didn't run. I've enjoyed her company too, but more than that, I find myself wanting to make her happy. Thinking of ways to put a smile on her face, of ways to make her so goddamn happy that the past can't touch her anymore. 

She squeezes me, nuzzling against me tighter as she releases a sleepy sigh. 

"Finally awake, sleeping beauty?" 

Nora smiles shyly up at me, brushing a few rogue strands of hair from her face. "Finally awake and starving."

"I can fix that." I grin, planting a loud smacking kiss as I drag myself out of bed. 

The ache in my side is still present, but not as intense after so many days of rest, and the warm sound of her laughter overshadows any lingering pain, propelling me toward the kitchen. My heart swells three sizes at that sound, and I can't help the lovestruck smile tilting up my mouth. 

I pull out all the ingredients to make us grilled cheese sandwiches, hissing through my teeth when I have to bend low for a pan to toast them in. Sharp pain radiates through my side, and I quickly straighten with a grimace. Okay, obviously not fully healed, but I'll be good enough to get on a bike and attend church in a few days. 

"Did that pan offend you in some way?" 

I realize I'm glaring, and snort as I set the pan on the stove. Nora has made herself comfortable on one of the island stools, chin resting in her hands as she watches me assemble our dinner. She's freshly dressed in one of my black t-shirts, it's big on her, but with her height it only falls right beneath her ass. The sight has my mouth watering and not for the subpar grilled cheeses that I'm no doubt burning with my attention on her. 

"You look beautiful." I comment, holding her gaze for a few more moments before turning to flip the sandwiches. 

She blushes, cheeks turning a gumdrop pink as she flicks her eyes away from me, tucking her hair behind her ear, but within the space of a blink, they're back on me again. I can feel her watching me and it sends heat trailing up my spine. All the things I've dreamed of doing to her, of the ways I'd have her moaning my name come rushing to the surface. We haven't slept together yet, and while I'm more than content to wait as long as she needs me too, something about the way she's eye-fucking me currently, tells me she doesn't want to wait anymore. 

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