Chapter Twenty-Four

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It's been five days since my run in with Nora. Five days since my world imploded in her Gran's front yard and then again in that hospital parking lot. I've went by the construction site several times, hoping to catch her, to talk to her but she's never there. I know she must be staying somewhere close to town, but no one has any information or if they do, they damn sure won't share with me, but it wouldn't surprise me if she used an alias or something. Not only has she fucking disappeared again, but Knox has fallen off the face of the earth too. 

I came charging back to the clubhouse after the altercation with Nora, determined to badger some answers out of that fucker but he was nowhere to be found. His Harley gone, house empty, not even a fucking note. It's so unlike him, it's got the whole club wound up tight. We've hit up all our brother chapters, but no one has seen him.  

I sit back in my seat, staring around the table at my brothers before shifting my attention back to Cash. Enzo called this meeting, but he hasn't graced us with his presence yet. I'm itching to jump on my bike, to search out both Nora and Knox and figure out what the fuck I'm missing. Before I can give in to the urge to dip the hell out of here, the double doors bang open and in comes a pissed-off Enzo and a bleeding and bruised Iron Creed Pres. 

Enzo slams Mac onto the table and we all leap to our feet, weapons drawn as we wait. Enzo locks eyes with each and every one of us, a cut on his left brow leaking blood down his face as his chest heaves. 

"Tell them." He commands Mac. 

Mac spits toward Enzo which only earns him a blow to the jaw from Matteo. Matteo falls into place next to his brother, flanking his left side as Enzo glares down at Mac. 

"I said, tell them, motherfucker!" Enzo roars, ripping his knife from its holster and holding it at Mac's throat. 

A war rages in Mac's eyes, and my own flick between him and Enzo. Cash takes a small step forward, pressing the nose of his gun to Mac's temple. 

"What's going on here, gentleman?" 

His voice is cool and collected, his brow lifted in a picture of innocent curiosity. Mac gazes around the room, realizing that defeat is imminent, and holds up his palms. 

"Okay, okay." He sighs, trying to sit up. 

Enzo slams him back into the table, his patience wearing deadly thin. His hands tremble in that tell-tale way that means he's thirsty for the kill and if we don't hurry up and get this information from Mac, we never will. 

"You fucking tell them," Enzo's voice trembles, and I know that whatever is about to be said is going to rock this club, "where you got the info about our drops. You tell them who the rat in our club is, Mac." 

The silence in the room is so palpable, you could hear a pin drop from a mile away. My heartbeat echoes in my ears, my hand tightening around my gun. 


Enzo's scream rings in my ears. We all take a breath, then two and finally Mac speaks. 


My heart drops to my boots as my eyes fly to Cash. He doesn't react, but the other brothers do. Some yell and deny the claim, others promise the retribution that we only offer rats. I stand stock-still, completely frozen at the revelation. It was Knox... 

Knox who was there the day Matty got shot. Knox who knew where I was heading the day Sloane Delancey stabbed me. Knox who was there when I got shot, when Nora left, when Nora didn't come back. Knox who fucking stood in my hospital room while my heart splintered into pieces knowing my old lady had left me, holding out my phone with that piss-poor text explaining why she did it...

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