Chapter Twenty-One

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I stare at myself in the mirror, tousling the new blonde wig with distaste. One more piece of myself tucked away, polished to perfection when the foundation is cracked beyond repair. I glide my eyes over my outfit. The tight, low-cut band t-shirt, the ass-hugging skinny jeans and combat boots on my feet. Despite the blonde locks, it feels like a trip down memory lane. The only item out of place is my necklace. The glittering marquise engagement ring that lays on my chest via a thin silver chain. The only physical piece of him I have left, kept close to my heart at all times. 

But I can't take this piece of Silas into the belly of the beast. So, with trembling fingers, I slowly unclasp the chain, nestling it inside the velvet jewelry box I purchase specifically for this reason. It's become a security blanket of sorts over the years, something I can touch that reminds me what Silas and I had was real. True love in its best form. I had it for a short blissful time before it was ripped from me. 


I throw back another shot, scanning the massive crowd for any signs of my target. Music blares around the large space and scantily clad women flit around, grinding their asses onto sloppy bikers, while others drag them away like good little club sluts. I strode past one already on her knees, cock in her mouth right there in the middle of the bar. I don't bat an eye. I've prepared for this in ways that would make Navy Seals weep. I can blend into this scene better than the most seasoned of old ladies. 

"Never seen you here before, darlin'." 


His voice is sensual, raspy as if he just rolled out of bed, but he has my skin crawling within five seconds. My stomach rolls as my demons awaken, snarling behind the doors of their cages as I slowly turn to face him, plastering the fakest flirty smirk I can muster. 

"How tragic for you." 

Sloane smirks, trailing his fingers down my arm. Fresh out of prison as of a week ago, lucky bastard. It's the only thing that's kept him alive this long, but now that he's out, I have no doubt the Horsemen will be coming for him. But he's mine. Mine to destroy, mine to torture and mine to kill any way I see fit. The Horsemen can take whatever scraps of Delancey I leave behind. 

"Must be my lucky night then." He purrs, sidling up to me as he places both hands on my hips and grinds his obviously small dick against me. I stifle a gag and roll my hips in time with his. I wind my arms around his neck and breathe through my mouth. The fact that he'll be dead sooner than later the only thing keeping me sane. Sloane leans in to kiss me and I quickly turn my head, letting his lips graze my cheek instead. 

He lets out a dark chuckle, sliding his hand around to the small of my back as we move to the beat of the music. I move into him, squeezing my eyes shut as I envision long, dirty blonde hair, soft full lips and soft chartreuse eyes. Sloane leans in, whispering in my ear that he wants to leave with me. I turn my face, shutting down my emotions completely as I press my mouth to his. He moans into our kiss, hands gripping my ass with bruising force as I stay locked inside my mind with the only man I want to touch me, the one man who never will again. 


Sloane Delancey is a fucking lightweight. 

He lay passed out next to me, his arm slung over my naked torso, heavy breathing filling my ear. Luckily, I didn't have to sleep with him, which I'm sure would've been a thrilling experience. Insert eye roll here. Sadly, he wasn't up to a performance, but I'm sure that had nothing to do with the sleeping pills I slipped into his beer. 

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