Chapter Sixteen

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"Come on, enough with the weeping!" I dab at my own eyes secretly as Gran and Lydia hug outside the house, both teary-eyed as they say goodbye... Again. 

"Let's take a picture, Nora!" Lydi smiles, holding out the new camera Darko bought her as a going away present. 

I just learned last week that she was majoring in photography, that familiar guilt gnawing at me that I didn't know that about her sooner. Lydia sets the timer on the camera, placing it on the hood of my jeep as we all huddle up together. Her on one side of Gran, me on the other. 

"Alright girls," Gran laughs, "say New York!" 

We all yell it and smile wide as the camera clicks. Lydia's been taking shots all summer apparently, and the few she's allowed me to see have been gorgeous. Mostly nature shots, but I've learned that her and Gran have quite the adventures when I'm working or spending time with Silas. They like to go people watching in town, which is where Lydia got the majority of her candid shots. Just this morning, she's taken multiple shots of the house now that I've completed all the outside renovations. 

Looking at it now reminds me of a simpler time. Those gentle memories so vivid it's almost like I can smell Gran's peace cobbler in the kitchen and Pop's strong coffee brewing in the pot. In many ways, it's as if I've come full circle, went through hell to end up back at the beginning, only this time, I have a choice of which path to take. The demons of the past have died down from a thunderous roar in my mind to a distant whisper that I can tune out more often than not. These days, that ever-present elephant resting on my chest hasn't been in attendance lately. These days, I feel weightless. I feel free.

"The house looks wonderful, Nora. Thank you." Gran murmurs, and I lean over to kiss her softly on the cheek. 

"I'll be home tomorrow, okay? You'll be okay here alone?" I raise a brow.

"Honey, I've managed to be just fine for the last sixty some-odd years. I think I can get through another day or two without any mishaps." Gran pats my cheek lovingly, shooing both Lydia and I toward the Jeep. "Go on now before it gets dark. And ya'll be careful." 

"Gran, it's only eight am." I laugh, hopping into the driver seat before she can swat me. 

Lydia is already in her seat with her seatbelt fastened when I crank the car. She beams at me, "Road trip, round two?" 

It may not be the extensive California to South Carolina drive that we took at the beginning of the summer, but it feels like a second chance. Another chance to spend this time actually acknowledging that I have a sister, getting to know her, letting have a go at the aux cord, and letting her pick the places we stop at. All the big sister things I didn't do on the first drive. I still have so much to make up for, so much time that's been lost, but I will make it up. All of it. 

Lydia's already introduced me to Snapchat, even though it made me feel like an old lady, and we've been sending snaps back and forth for days. I can't wait to see New York through her eyes, and then experience it for myself when I go up to visit her on Halloween. I glance over at my little sister, smiling widely as I hand over the sunglasses I got for her the other day. They're aviators like mine, not really her style, but I hope she appreciates the sentiment. 

"Road trip, round two." I agree. 

She sniffles, putting on the shades to hide her suspiciously red rimmed eyes and with one last wave to Gran, we set off for the highway. 



I haul another box of liquor through the swinging doors, setting the box on top of the bar next to Cash while I finish loading them onto the shelf. Everything is set and ready to go for Darko's party tonight and I can't wait to see that little fucker's face when we present him with his new cut.  

"When's Nora getting in?" Cash asks around a puff of cigarette smoke. 

Nora spent an extra day in New York with her sister, helping her set shit up and all that girly stuff Lydia wanted to do. I'm so glad they're getting along now, but damn if I didn't miss my girl. 

"Bout an hour," I shrug, "Maybe two depending on traffic." 

Cash nods, pulling another drag. He acts normal, but I can see the crinkling around his eyes. Sure-fire sign that he's worried. Him and Nora have been meeting up for lunch a few times a week since that big showdown at her Gran's. It was a shock finding out Cash was her dad, but the man did say he had his secrets. I just didn't figure his biggest one to turn out to be the love of my life. Eh. Small world, I guess. 

"She's something, isn't she?" Cash smiles. 

I toss the box to the side, grabbing two clean glasses to pour us some whiskey. Sip heads in the door and I nod at him. He flips me off as he heads into the backroom. He hates it when I'm behind the bar, says I fuck up his system or something like that. Whatever, it's my damn bar. I slide Cash's glass over to him and take a healthy swig of mine. 

"She's more than something," I throw back the rest of the glass, rubbing the back of my neck, "Look man, there's something I need to tell you." 

He stubs out his cigarette, placing both hands on the table top to give me the floor. 

"Now, I'm not asking your permission or anything. We both know Nora can make her own damn decisions, but I figure I'd give you a head's up so your old ass doesn't drop dead of a heart attack later tonight." 

I pull the velvet box from the pocket of my cut, sliding it over to rest beside his glass. Cash stares at it, his eyebrows furrowing. His eyes flick between the box and me several times before he reaches for it. Inside, nestled on the soft fabric is a vintage, marquise diamond on a sterling silver band. It's simple, elegant, and something I could see Nora wearing. Something that would make her feel beautiful, but not too girly. His face slowly morphs from confusion to a genuine smile as he slides it back to me. 

"Bit soon, isn't it?" 

"I suppose, but I know that I love her, and I want her forever. Why waste time when I already know?" 

"Have you told her that you love her?" He asks. 

His question catches me off guard and I laugh it off. But I think over all the time we've spent together, and I can't think of a single time that I've said it out loud. I'm about to ask this woman to marry me, and I've never told her that I loved her. I mean, of course, I love her. And I know she loves me too, but it's just never been said. I suppose it's just one of those things that didn't need to be spoken, only felt, but I would tell her tonight. I'd tell her I loved her and ask her to marry me in the same breath. 

"Nice rock." Sip comments when he bursts through the double doors, cigarette tucked behind his ear. 

"Yeah, yeah. Keep it between us, alright?" I snap, pouring another whiskey. 

The party wasn't supposed to start for another hour, but I already hear the unmistakable rumble of the Horseman in the parking lot. I check my phone, sending a quick text to Nora that we're kicking it off early, then grab Darko's new cut from beneath the bar. 


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