Chapter Eight

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"Don't let him get any shots in, he'll be fast with his combinations, and you won't stand a chance. Hit him hard, go for the jaw, knockout. Sweep his right leg if you must, but that's only if you want to fight dirty."

I stare down at Nora like I've never seen her before. How the hell does she know all that? Before I can question her about it, she's back in my face, pressing those beautifully soft lips against mine and I can't think anymore. I can only feel and savor the way her mouth moves against me. I want to say fuck the fight, throw her over my shoulder again and take her back to my house and have her scream my name in every fucking room... but she's gone, backing away from me again leaving my brain cloudy. I have to win this round.

That thought zings through my muddled mind like a wildfire. With a wicked grin, I turn back toward Zane. He thinks he's hot shit because he's the newest VP of the North Carolina chapter, but I'm about to knock him on his ass quick so I can spend the rest of the night with my girl. Wait... My girl? She isn't mine, but as I catch sight of her again, holding onto my cut and watching me with a nervous twinkle in her eye, something in my chest loosens. I think she could be. 

We move, circling each other and I zone in on the fact that Zane is in fact favoring his left leg. He steps forward with it, and I brace myself to move again. Sure enough, he throws a punch and I sidestep it, clocking him swiftly. Blood spews from his mouth, he spits, offering me a red grin.

It's on now.

I chance another quick glance to Nora who's beaming, but her eyes widen just as a blow lands on my ribs. It's followed by two more quick jabs and I'm gasping. Fuck! She was right about those combinations. Little shit, I'm going to fucking kill him. The energy around the circle amps up. My blood is pumping, and I want to tear his face off. He takes another step, and then punches are landing, blood is dripping, and I'm smiling like a lunatic. I'm ready to end this shit.

I feign moving right, snapping back just as his arm swings out, striking him instead. My fist connects with his jaw, sending another spray of blood over the grass and he's done. Lights out. The crowd erupts, chanting my name and cheering. The mother chapter will always be the best, no matter what it costs. In this case, I think it cost a broken rib or two, but I keep the smile plastered on.

Saint, the NC Pres, steps into the circle with two of his other members, chuckling as they hoist Zane up and drag him out of the ring. He offers me his hand.

"Good fight. Zane's a fast little shit, but you had him down in record time."

"Just gotta know where to watch."

Saint nods, "You're good. Like your old man. He'd be proud of you, Si. Hope you know that."

He walks away, leaving me alone with a tightness in my throat.


The shrill voice comes out of the crowd and I'm whirling, frozen between searching for the source and snatching Nora up and getting the fuck out of here. Shit. We were doing so good; she was finally warming up to me. This is about to throw a bucket of ice water all over my goddamn night. That voice, like nails on a damn chalkboard, slices over my skin. She storms through the crowd in her low-cut top, ass cheeks hanging out of her daisy-duke shorts. She's got every man within a five-mile radius eye-fucking her with that long blonde hair, golden tanned skin and perky rounded breasts. But I know better. She may be pretty on the outside, but the heart that beats in her chest is rotted.

Still, heinous bitch or not, she commands attention. Her eyes trail down my body in a way that has me stifling a gag. Don't even think about it, bitch. I glance at Nora, who's eyes are shifting between me and the blonde. I should've mentioned her, but I really didn't believe she'd show up here. I haven't seen her in a year. My cold-hearted, vindictive, whoring ass ex-wife, Caroline. I thought I'd have more time, but the clock has run out.

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