Chapter Seven

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The wind whips around us as we fly down the darkened highway toward the clearing. It was where my childhood home use to sit but was now just a vacant space that we used for meetups like this one. Large enough space, surrounded by woods on all sides. It sat back far enough away from the highway that we didn't draw attention to ourselves with the rumbling motorcycle engines or loud music.

Nora's pressed against my back, one hand gripping my cut while the other rests on my thigh. Her perfume invades my senses and I grab her hand to pull her further into me. She obliges my silent request, wrapping her arms around my waist beneath my cut. I turn off onto the secluded dirt road, glancing behind us once to be sure her sister saw the turn.

"Let me guess," She murmurs directly in my ear, "This is where I find out you're really a murderer and I meet my untimely demise?"

Laughter rumbles through my chest, "I think you're too tough to kill. You'd probably kill me first."

"I'm not sure if that should comfort me or freak me out."

I reach down, gripping her thigh, "Don't worry darlin', I got you. No one will hurt you, not even me."

She relaxes against me, and I continue to roll down the lane until we reach the bright lights and music of the meetup. The unmistakable sound of Guns and Roses filter through the trees, and the smell of smoke wafts toward us. The clearing is filled with Horsemen and Devil's Fallen, fuckers already have a massive bonfire blazing and almost everyone has either a red cup or a beer bottle in hand. Others have full liquor bottles in their hands. I park my bike between Cash's sleek pale gray Harley, and Lorenzo's gleaming white one. Knox's Harley, which is a matte black, sits just on the other side of Enzo's. I cut the engine and help Nora off the back. She hands over her helmet and heads over to where her sister is parked.

Matteo is sidling up next to me before I can take a breath, glaring daggers into me.

"I fucking told you not to call her." He snaps.

I peer around him to where Jo stands, sipping from a red cup. Her cinnamon-colored hair is down, and she's in actual clothing instead of her usual scrubs. I'd say it's a win-win, she gets to cut loose for a night and Matty gets to enjoy her company, but it seems my best-friend doesn't agree.

"She looks like she's having fun. What's the issue?"

"The issue, dumbass, is that shit gets out of control at these meetups. We're here for a damn patch-over for fucks sake. Jo isn't built for the outlaw lifestyle, Si."

"But you like her, and she likes you, so shouldn't we expose her to more than bullet holes and stab wounds?"

Jo walks up, hooking an arm around my neck and kissing my cheek. She peeks shyly at Matty, and I can't help the smirk that crosses my lips. I see his bike sitting not too far from the legacy bikes and nod my head toward it.

"You've never been on the back of a bike before, have you Jo?"

"Nope, and it's a damn shame." She shoots back, downing the rest of her cup before turning to Matty, "Take me on a ride?"

His eyes widen, but he collects himself and holds out his hand for her. She walks forward, wrapping one arm around his waist. He throws his arm over her shoulders, hugging her close to his body as he leads her to his bike, but throws me a bird over his shoulder as they walk away. I glance over to see Nora and Lydia in a serious conversation, and just as I'm about to walk toward them, Knox walks up to hand me a beer.

"Since when do you bring bitches to a club event?"

"Since when do you not mind your own business?" I pop the top off the beer, taking a healthy swig.

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