Mother Knows Best

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Rapunzel:This is it. This is a very big day, Pascal. (giggles) I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to ask her.

Gothel: RAPUNZEL! Let down your hair! 

Rapunzel: It's time. I know, I know. Come on, don't let her see you. *hides pascal behind a curtan* 

Gothel: Rapunzel, I'm not getting any younger down here.

Rapunzel: coming mother! 

*She casts down her seventy feet of hair. Mother Gothel loosely ties it in a large loop and steps in it. Rapunzel pulls her up* 

Rapunzel: hi. welcome home mother. 

Gothel: Oh, Rapunzel. How you manage to do that every single day without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting, darling.

Rapunzel: oh it's nothing. 

Gothel: Then I don't know why it takes so long. *Laughs* Oh, darling. I'm just teasing.

Rapunzel: All, mother. As you know, tomorrow is a very big day.

Gothel: Rapunzel look at that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh look, you're here too! I'm just teasing, stop taking everything so seriously.

Rapunzel: Okay, so mother. As I was saying, tomorrow is..

Gothel: Flower, mother's feeling a little run down. Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk.

Rapunzel: OH! Of course, mother. *Sings very fast* Flower gleam and glow, Let your power shine, Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost, Bring back what once was mine.

Gothel: Rapunzel!

Rapunzel: So, mother, earlier I was saying tomorrow's a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond, So I'm just going to tell you. It's my birthday! TADA!

Gothel: No, no, no can't be. I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year.

Rapunzel: hat's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an annual thing. Mother, I'm turning eighteen. And I wanted to ask, what I really want for this birthday. Actually, what I've wanted for...quite a few birthdays now...

Gothel: Rapunzel please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah, blah, blah,...blah. It's very annoying. I'm just teasing, you're adorable I love you so much, darling.

Rapunzel: Oh, I want to see the floating lights!. 

Gothel: What?

Rapunzel: Oh,... Well I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights.

Gothel: you mean the stars. 

Rapunzel: hat's the thing I've charted stars and they're always constant. But these, they appear every year on my birthday, Mother. Only on my birthday. And I can't help but feel that they're, They're meant for me. I need see them, Mother. And not just from my window. In person. I have to know what they are.

Gothel: You want to go outside? Oh, why Rapunzel. Look at you, as fragile as a flower. Still a little sapling, just a sprout. You know why we stay up in this tower

Rapunzel: I know but- 

Gothel: That's right, to keep you safe, and sound, dear. Guess I always knew this day was coming. Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest. Soon, but not yet.

Rapunzel: but- 

Gothel: Shhh.. Trust me pet, Mother, knows best. Mother knows best. Listen to your mother. It's a scary world out there. Mother knows best. One way or another. Something will go wrong, I swear. Ruffians, thugs, poison Ivy, quicksand. Cannibals, and snakes, the plague. Also large bugs, men with pointy teeth. And stop, no more, you'll just upset me. Mother's right here. Mother will protect you. Darling here's what I suggest. Skip the drama, stay with Mama. MAMA!! Knows best! Mother knows best. Take it from your mumsy. On your own, you won't survive. Sloppy underdressed, immature, clumsy, Please, they'll eat you up, alive. Gullible, nave, positively grubby. Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm vague. Plus I believe, getting kinda chubby. I'm just saying, 'Cause I wuv you. Mother understands, Mothers here to help you. All I have is one request. Rapunzel?

Rapunzel: yes? 

Gothel: dont ever ask to leave this tower AGAIN! 

Rapunzel: yes mother... 

Gothel:*sighs* I love you very much dear 

Rapunzel: I love you more

Gothel: I love you most. Don't forget it. You'll regret it. Mother Knows best.

*Gothel leaves* 

Rapunzel: i'll be here... 

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