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Hook Hand: Go, live your dream.

Thranduil: I will 

Hook Hand: Your dream stinks, I was talking to her.

Rapunzel:*looks at hookhand* thanks for everything 

*they head down a cave* 

Thranduil: Well, I've gotta say. Didn't know you had that in you back there, that was pretty...impressive.

Rapunzel: I know! I know... Sooo, Thranduil . Where are you from?

Thranduil: Whoa, whoa, sorry Blondie, I don't do back story. However I am becoming very interested in yours. Now I...I know I'm not suppose to mention the hair.


Thranduil: or the mother 

Rapunzel: Uh, uh.

Thranduil: Frankly I'm too scared to ask about the frog.

Rapunzel: Chameleon.

Thranduil: Nuance. Here's my question, though, if you want to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you gone before? 

Rapunzel: uhhh... well *hears snarling* Thranduil? 

Thranduil: Orcs!, Run! 

*they run*

Orc: after them! 

Rapunzel: orcs?! 

Thranduil: i'll tell you about it later just run! 

*they run until they reach a dead end* 

Rapunzel: what do we do? 

Thranduil: stay here *draws his two swords and attacks the orcs* 

Rapunzel:*uses her hair to strangle the lead orc* 

Thranduil: woah. *hears water rushing* oh no... *puts his swords back in their sheaths* 

*they get swept up into the water* 

Thranduil:*dives into the water then comes back up* It's no use, I can't see anything. Hey, there's no point. It's pitch black down there. 

Rapunzel: This is all my fault. She was right, I never should have done this. I'm so... I'm so sorry.

Thranduil: its okay Rapunzel its not your fault... its mine 

Rapunzel: I have magic hair that glows when I sing.

thranduil: what? 

Rapunzel: I have magic hair that glows when I sing! flower gleam and glow let your power shine.. 

*they make it out of the cave* 

Rapunzel: We made it.

Thranduil: your hair glows.... 

Rapunzel: We're alive! We're alive!

Thranduil: Didn't see that coming, *looks at pascal* her hair actually glows.... 

Rapunzel: Thranduil.... 

Thranduil: why does her hair glow? 

Rapunzel: Thranduil! 

Thranduil: WHAT? 

Rapunzel: it doesn't just glow.

*pascal smiles at thranduil* 

Thranduil: why is he smiling at me?? 

*Gothel joins forces with Sauron, thranduil and rapunzel make a camp fire*

Thranduil: So you're being strangely cryptic as you wrap your magic hair around my injured hand *groans in pain* 

Rapunzel: sorry.... just don't freak out *sings the healing inncantation then stops* 

Thranduil:*looks at his hand which is healed then is about to freak out* 

Rapunzel: please don't freak out! 

Thranduil: Ahhh. I'm not freaking out, are you freaking out? No, I'm just very interested in your hair and the magical qualities that it possesses..how long has it been doing that, exactly?

Rapunzel: Uh. Forever, I guess. Mother said when I was a baby people tried to cut it. They wanted to take it for themselves. But, once it's cut. It turns brown, and looses it's power. A gift like that, it has to be protected. That's why Mother never let me...That's why I...I never left the...

Thranduil: you never left that tower.... and youre still gonna go back? 

Rapunzel: No...yes. Ugh. It's complicated. so King Thranduil huh

*Thranduil explains his life story and how the dwarfs dont like him* 

Rapunzel: I am so sorry Thranduil. *hugs him* 

Thranduil:*hugs her back* its fine really *gets up* well I'm gonna go grab some more wood for the fire.. 

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