Saving her

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Thranduil:*wearing his armor and a Mithril shirt that he does not know has a broken sheme on it*   rapunzel let down your hair 

 rapunzel let down your hair! 

*rapunzel lets down her hair and he climbs up it and sees her chained up* 

Gothel:*stabs him* 

Thranduil:*falls to the ground* 

Rapunzel:*tries to run to him* 

Gothel: Now look what you've done, Rapunzel. Oh don't worry dear. Our secret will die with him. And as for us? We are going where no one will ever find you, again. Rapunzel, REALLY! ENOUGH ALREADY! STOP. FIGHTING ME!

Rapunzel: NO! I won't stop. For every minute of the rest of my life I will fight. I will never stop trying to get away from you. But, if you let me save him... I will go with you.

Thranduil: no rapunzel..... 

Rapunzel: I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me heal him. And you and I will be together. Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise. Just like you want. Just let me heal him.

*gothel frees rapunzel to have her heal thranduil and chains him up instead* 

Gothel: in case you get any ideas about following us. 

Rapunzel: Thranduil! I'm so sorry everything is gonna be okay I promise. 

Thranduil: No Rapunzel....

Rapunzel: I promise, you have to trust me.

Thranduil: No...I can't let you do this.

Rapunzel: I cant have you die 

Thranduil: But if you do this...

Rapunzel: shhh. 

Thranduil: then you will die.... 

Rapunzel: Hey. It's gonna be all right.

Thranduil:*gets an idea* rapunzel wait *grabs a shard of glass and cuts her hair* 

Rapunzel: Thranduil what?.... 

Gothel: NOOO! No...NO! What have you done?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! *She turns to the broken mirror, seeing her aged reflection* No, no, no, NOOO! *she falls out of the tower and dies* 

Rapunzel:*shocked then runs back to thranduil* no no no Thranduil!  Oh, look at me, look at me, I'm right here. Don't go, stay with me, Thranduil....... *starts crying then sings the healing song* Flower gleam and glow... ♪ ~

♪ Let your powers shine... ♪ ~

♪ Make the clock reverse... ♪ ~

♪ Bring back what once was mine..

Thranduil:*weakly* Rapunzel.....

Rapunzel: what?... 

Thranduil: you were my new dream...

Rapunzel: and you were mine... 

*thranduil dies*  Rapunzel: Heal what has been hurt...  Change the fates' design...  Save what has been lost...  Bring back what once was mine... 

*She begins to cry, mourning over Thranduil's death. One of Rapunzel's tears falls on his cheek. Then, a sun-shaped glow shines on his cheek where the tear fell. Gold light and white light in the shape of the flower erupt from the wound. The gold light stretches around the tower, and Thranduils  wound heals. The light recedes into Thranduil . He opens his eyes* 

Thranduil: Rapunzel? 

Rapunzel: THRANDUIL! 

Thranduil: did I ever tell you i've got a thing for brunnetts 

*they kiss* 

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