Mother Knows Best (Reprise)

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Rapunzel:*smiles at thranduil* 

Gothel: well!, I thought he'd never leave. 

Rapunzel: mother? 

Gothel: hello dear. 

Rapunzel: how did you find me? 

Gothel: Oh, it was easy really. I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal, and followed that.

Rapunzel: Mother. 

Gothel: were going home. now. 

Rapunzel: You...You don't understand. I've been on the most incredible journey. I've seen and learned so much. I even met someone.

Gothel: ah yes the elf king I'm so proud. come on. 

Rapunzel: Mother, wait. I think... I think he likes me.

Gothel: likes you? please Rapunzel that's demented, This is why you never should have left

Dear, this whole romance that you've invented
Just proves you're too naive to be here
Why would he like you? Come on now, really!
Look at you, you think that he's impressed?
Don't be a dummy
Come with mummy

Rapunzel: NO! 

Gothel: no?, I see how it is. Rapunzel knows best

Rapunzel's so mature now
Such a clever grown-up Miss
Rapunzel knows best
Fine, if you're so sure now
Go ahead, then give him this! *holds up his late wifes necklace* This is why he's here!Don't let him deceive you!
Give it to him, watch, you'll see!Trust me, my dear
That's how fast he'll leave you
I won't say I told you so
No, Rapunzel knows best!
So if he's such a dreamboat
Go and put him to the test

Rapunzel: Mother wait! 

Gothel: If he's lying

Don't come crying
Mother knows best! *disapears* 

Thranduil: So, hey uh, can I ask you something? Is there any chance that I'm going to get super strength in my hand? Because I'm not going to lie - that would be stupendous. Hey, you all right?

Rapunzel: Oh, sorry, yes. Just um, lost in thought, I guess.

Thranduil:  I mean because here's the thing. Superhuman good looks, I've always had 'em. Born with it, but superhuman strength? Imagine the possibilities!. 

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