December 6th

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The next day, Taezan was giddy as he left the nest

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The next day, Taezan was giddy as he left the nest. He had spent most of yesterday helping Sado in the kitchen, until Mosu had stopped by and insisted on sitting down with him.

Unsure what the town's mayor could have wanted with him, he had soon learned that the mouse had questions. Many of them. After giving Taezan an introduction to the town, its rules, as well as explaining how every member of their community had their own, critical role, he had inquired about what Taezan's talents were, and how these could be used for the good of the town.

He didn't know who had ended up the most disappointed - the mayor or himself - as they realizated that there wasn't anything special with Taezan, or the things that he could do.

It was as if he was back in training camp. Although he had enjoyed the lessons and the comradery, he had also struggled emotionally; as it seemed everyone had unlocked their special abilities. Everyone but Taezan that was.

It had been hard on him, and he's spent a few extra years in training because of his shortcomings. In the end, he had graduated and been assigned to work under Captain Jinzeok, who had become the youngest captain of the century because of his ability to sense danger ahead of time.

It was a big honor, and Taezan had been in awe the first time he's seen the ability in action. He couldn't believe that he had been picked to serve under Jinzok, and learning of the abilities of his fellow crew members, he got even more impressed. They all had such unique and specialized abilities: like how Jiminzi's inner compass let him navigate without any gadgets or view, how Namzoom knew any and every language, or how Hozi, just by touching a weapon or tool, instantly knew how to use it.

They were all so impressive, and Taezan envied them. He couldn't wait for the day his own ability would reveal itself. However, no matter how hard he wished for it to happen, it didn't. And, as his junior, Zukook, grew into his powers of immense physical strength, Taezan had lost hope that he would ever have powers.

As time passed, he had learned to live with this reality, choosing instead to dedicate himself to mastering tools. It took his mind off it, but he still winced every time someone pointed it out.

However, even though he had gone to sleep a bit deflated, Taezan woke up with renewed courage. Putting on the scarf and a pair of boots that Kaya had left him, he set out; already drooling at the thought of his daily raisin.

"Oh! You! You over there!"

Jumping high, Taezan spun around, ready to defend himself. However, what he saw made him lower his guard.

There, carried between three mice, was a human-shaped figurine. It was big, and heavy, judging from the panting mice underneath it.

"Can you help us carry this?"

"Oh, sure!" Taezan ran over and grabbed the figurine's arm. "Like this?" He had to use all his strength to keep the part steady, and had to admire how the other mice had been able to get it here without him.

"Yes, thank you." The mouse holding the front with Taezan bowed slightly as she introduced herself. "I'm Mona. You must be the new guy?"

"Yeah, I'm Taezan." Propping the figurine-arm onto his shoulder, Taezan walked with the others.

Turning around a stack of boxes, they ventured into an area Taezan had yet to explore. It was a huge, open area, and every nook and cranny seemed to be filled with different kinds of materials.

Heart skipping a beat, Taezan ran his eyes over the many piles, but although there were piles with shining objects, none of them seemed to have aluminum.

Swallowing his disappointment, he adjusted the figurine to carefully maneuver it between two boxes, and into another large area. This one was brightly lit by the sun shining down through a window in the ceiling, and everywhere around him, mice were working hard with cutting fabrics and sewing.

"There you are!" A high-pitched voice squeaked, the frequency making a shiver run down Taezan's back.

"Ah, Ruby! Where did you want this?"

"Over there - by the biggy-glass!"

"Sure." The carrier sighed before pointing the figurine in the right direction.

The big see-through thing - which had to be the 'biggy-glass' - was placed on top of several thick books. Now Taezan understood the sigh. He already felt tired after carrying the figurine for a few minutes, but when he looked at the mountain in front of them, he realized that the worst was yet to come.

"We can do this!" One of the mice encouraged, but Taezan wasn't sure whether the mouse believed himself or not, but the words seemed to give his fellow mice strength.

It took a lot of huffing and puffing, but they finally managed to bring the figurine to the top, and tilted it to its upright position.

Having climbed down from the pile, Taezan took a step back to admire the figurine. But as he did, his foot slipped on something soft; sending him tumbling down.

Dumbfounded, he shook his head, and was about to get up, when a shout made him stop dead.

"No! Do. Not. Move."


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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now