December 23rd

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The cat shook its head, and Taezan watched as Kaya stepped up to it; her eyes studying every detail

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The cat shook its head, and Taezan watched as Kaya stepped up to it; her eyes studying every detail.

"Were you-" Kaya tilted her head. "-cursed too?"

The cat blinked, then slowly, it moved its head; nodding.

"See, he is just like you." Taezan beamed, gently pushing on Kaya to get even closer.

Sending him a darting glare, she tried to pull away, but as Taezan gave no sign of letting her go, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine... Fine..." She eyed the cat suspiciously while muttering: "This gotta be the stupidest thing I've ever done." And so she moved, carefully stepping closer, and raising a shaking paw up in front of her. "N-Nice, kitty."

For a second the cat looked at her, then it moved; its movements slow as it leaned forward to meet her touch.

It looked unsure, Taezan thought as he looked at the big creature. It was almost as if it was afraid, or even... Regretful?

But the feeling seemed to pass, as after shaking its head, it closed the distance down to Kaya - and snuggled against her paw?!

Taezan watched in awe, unsure what was going on, but as he thought things couldn't get any stranger, everything changed:

"I'm sorry." The words were still on Kaya's lips when a bright light flashed; blinding Taezan and forcing him to back away to take cover.

A roar, a crackling noise as by a fire. A long moan of pain as something snapped - again and again.

His hair standing up, Taezan was terrified. What was going on?

As his sight slowly returned, he looked in fear at what was in front of him.

A girl dressed in a frilly dress, and a boy with lazy eyes and a scar down across his eye.



As he watched, the girl looked down at herself, her eyes sparkling as her fingers touched the material of her dress. "I'm back! I'm back!" She squealed, doing a small twirl, but stopping as she spotted the boy beside her. Her eyes widened. "Wait, Yoongi?! You're here!?"

"I can't believe she made me a cat..." A grumble came from the boy. "You know how much work that was?"

"You're just a lazy ass." The girl rolled her eyes.

"And you're a squeaky snob." The guy, Yoongi, retorted as he rolled his shoulder back.

"Oh shut up."

Still watching, Taezan didn't understand a thing. Who were these humans, and what-

The girl suddenly turned to look right at him, and Taezan was just about to run when she reached out for him. However, her words changed his mind: "It broke, Taezan! The curse broke!"

[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now