December 18th

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Unable to take his eyes off the closed-off entrance, Taezan couldn't believe what just happened

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Unable to take his eyes off the closed-off entrance, Taezan couldn't believe what just happened.

The mice had all seemed so friendly, but then, with one word, everything had changed, and they had turned on him without a single thought.

And Kaya... They had thrown her out as well. It was his fault. Feeling the guilt burn in him, he had the apology on his tongue, but as he turned, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Kaya?" Taezan felt a panic raise in his chest. Where was she? "Kaya?"

"Ugh... Stop calling my name, will you?" Poking her head out from behind a rock, Kaya looked more than a little annoyed. "Why don't you help me get this stupid grate open instead?"


Happy to feel included, Taezan hurried over and leaned down to see what Kaya was doing. "What's that?"

"A locking grate." She repeated, her paws grasping around one of the bars as she pulled on it. "We need to get it off so we can get inside."


"Into the shaft." She rolled her eyes at him. "Unless you want to stay out here that is?"

Taezan didn't want that. He was cold - especially on his feet as he didn't have his shoes. "How do we get it off?"

"Grab this part next to my paws." Kaya nodded in the grid's direction as she took hold of it. "If we pull at the same time it might come loose."

"Okay." Crouching down, Taezan grabbed a hold of the grid, and counting to three, they pulled.

And pulled.

And pulled.

"It's not coming off." Taezan whined, his fingers burning from the effort. "Isn't there another way in?"

"No." Kaya sighed. "There is another one, but it is underwater, and I don't plan on swimming under the ice."

"Ah, okay." Getting a better hold on the grid, Taezan nodded. He didn't want to get wet any more than he wanted to run into the beast. "So, do you think we'll be safe in the shaft?"

"We'll be good. It's not warm per se, but it will shield us from the wind. I found it by chance right after I arrived." Looking at Taezan, Kaya counted down and they pulled with all their strength.

Finally, it came off.

Kaya was quick to jump inside, and not wanting to spend another second outside, Taezan jumped in after her.

"So, you've been here before? Many times?"

"Only twice." She said as she moved further inside before suddenly turning right. "Aha! I knew it would be safe here."

"Huh? Safe?" Curious, Taezan followed her, and nearly crashed into her back as she came to a sudden halt. Looking around her, he could barely make out something on the ground. "What's that?"

"My fabrics. I found them when I was out gathering, but then I saw you. I couldn't carry both of you, and I remembered this place, so I hid them here." She stopped, picking up a piece of cloth. "They still seem fine, and luckily I got my needle on me."

"They're pretty." Taezan commented as his eyes got used to the lack of light. "But what are you going to do with them?"

"You're cold, aren't you?"

Taezan nodded, and soon Kaya put him to work. Sitting side by side, they looked for the warmest pieces of cloth they could find, and while Kaya stitched together scarves and hats, Taezan thought of something that might help them.


Although he had been separated from his friend for many days, he somehow knew that the other was still out there. It was no wonder Namzoom hadn't found Taezan when he lived with the mice, but if Taezan could return to where he had landed, then...

Taezan didn't know where Kaya had found him, but as he explained about his friend and the multi-purpose gun, she agreed it was worth the try.

"You really think your friend could help us?" Kaya asked as she struggled to move through the snow. "Do you think he could help me... Become human again?"

"I can't promise anything." Taezan didn't struggle as much seeing as Kaya made him a path. "And if not, then Hozi has a lot of tools, and Jiminzi is great at problem-solving."

"I see." Moving past a thick tree trunk, Kaya only took a few more steps before stopping. "Here."

"Wow." Looking behind him, Taezan could still see their shelter in the distance. "Not that far, huh?"

"No, I wouldn't dare venture far alone." Kaya wrapped her arms around herself. "Even with clothes, it's still freezing, so we can't be out for long." Scouting the area, she bounced between paws. "Where should we start searching?"

Letting his eyes move slowly from left to right, Taezan suddenly spotted something. He couldn't quite see the exact color, but he knew it was an aura. "Something's over there!"

Taezan started running. He was slow in the high snow, but determined.

Reaching another tree, he could see the aura clearer. It was blue-gray and emitted an intense feeling of worry and guilt. It had to be him.

Taking a closer look, Taezan saw a tall shape shuffling in the snow, and Noah had mentioned that there usually weren't any humans around here, so he felt certain.

"Over there!" Pointing in Namzoom's direction, he started running and yelling. "Namzoom! Down here!"

 "Namzoom! Down here!"

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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now