December 8th

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That evening, the mice threw a party

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That evening, the mice threw a party. What occasion it was, Taezan never understood, but as the lights dimmed, the mice ate, drank, sang and danced. They even ate something that Sado had baked and that he called 'Brownsies' - or that was at least what Taezan had made out between Shay's chewing noises.

The party had been fun, it had been filled with laughter and jokes, but no matter how much they tried to include him, Taezan still felt like he wasn't meant to be there.

It wasn't just because he wasn't a mouse; although there were still those in the town that looked strangely at him whenever he passed them.

No. It was more than that. He had seen it earlier - as they had all gathered around their injured friend.

The friendship. The companionship.

No matter how nice or welcoming they were to him, Taezan knew they would never look at him like that.

Letting out a sigh, he closed his eyes, his breath slowing down as he let his thoughts float back to the BTZ-ship. To home.

He missed it so much. Not just the ship with its constant smell of sweets, or how his bed was the softest one, or how Zukook had let him use one of his drawers when Taezan's own got filled to the brim.

No, most of all he missed the crew - his friends and, in many ways, family.

He knew many found it strange to call them that. There were many ships in their nation, and although it was common that the crew members became friends, they usually all had their hearts and families on their home planet.

With BTZ, it was different. None of the members knew exactly how or when it had happened, but as time passed, they realized they were all feeling the same: they weren't just working together, but living, playing, laughing, and crying. Everything that happened to one of them, happened, in a sense, to all of them. In short, they were no longer just colleagues or friends. They were more - they were family.

"I hope they don't worry too much..." Taehyung whispered as he let a finger trace the twisted grains. "... That they eat... and smile even though I'm not there..."

He hoped so, and even though it hurt to think that they were doing fine without him, he wished them the best.

He knew how restless and worried they could be - how Jiminzi could stop eating, and Zukook could withdraw to his bed and not speak to anyone. He hoped that hadn't happened, that they were doing well and taking care of each other.

Jinzok would do his best - he always did, but even though the captain appeared unbreakable, Taezan knew it was a mask the older put on, and that he underneath was the one who worried most of them. Only with Hozi by his side, could the Captain's worry be kept at bay, but he also knew that Hozi always felt drawn to the hangar, his hands desperately tinkering whenever he was worried.

And Namzoom...

Out of all, Namzoom was the one that Taezan worried about the most.

The senior officer had long experience, but this wasn't always a good thing, as the older carried the responsibility close to his heart. Every victory was celebrated, but every time something went wrong, it looked as if he was shot in the heart; the guilt crippling him, refusing to let go.

Taezan let out a heavy sigh. He hoped Namzoom was okay and that he didn't worry about him. However, even so, he feared that his partner felt responsible for what had happened.

A tear formed in the corners of Taezan's eyes as he imagined his friend, his brother, walking restlessly around in the cold dark - looking for him.

Wiping his tears away, his gaze returned to outside and at the darkness of the night. There was no light or sign of life - as if the world itself was sleeping. Only...

There, in the back, just barely visible...

A light.

A moving light - swiping back and forth.

It was as if it was searching for something-!

Or someone?

Or someone?

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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now