December 10th

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After walking for what felt to Taezan as hours, the other gatherers finally slowed down, and he thumped down on a nearby rock; desperate to give his legs a rest

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After walking for what felt to Taezan as hours, the other gatherers finally slowed down, and he thumped down on a nearby rock; desperate to give his legs a rest.

His eyes scanned the area. It was different than he had expected. It was so big, and everywhere he looked, there were small hills and tall trees. How would he find Namzoom? And the aluminum? It seemed impossible.

Adjusting the grip on his backpack, he sighed, feeling the weight of the herbs and nuts they had picked up. It was heavy, and feeling tired, Taezan's mind went to the snack Sado had packed. He was tempted to take a bite, but before he could reach for it, Noah cleared his throat.

"Alright, gang!" He started as he climbed up on a rock. "I know we planned to stay on the safe path, but we really need to find the thread Ruby wanted, and I think our best bet will be that house." Pointing down a road, he brought everyone's attention to a gigantic house.

"But, that's the-" Alex started, furrowing his brows nervously.

Taezan didn't listen, his eyes big as he saw something big and shiny.

There it was! Standing big and tall, the shiny metal had to be a hundred times bigger than him - if not a thousand. Sure, his measuring was a bit off because of his current body size, but even so, Taezan was convinced that it was more than big enough to repair the gravity sphere.

"Besides, it's gone, Alex." Noah sighed.

Alex didn't look convinced, but Taezan was on fire; his mind thinking of nothing else with his goal literally in sight. "Let's do it!"

The others stopped talking and looked at him in surprise.

"You want to go there?" Noah asked, his fingers twirling his whiskers.


"Foolish fool." Slim shook his head. "You don't know what you're talking about, son."

Blinking confused, Taezan cocked his head to the side as he looked at the older mouse; who had big muscles despite having silvery stripes in his fur.

He looked strong and trained - like a veteran having fought many battles in his lifetime. Yet, for some reason, it seemed as if he was scared of the human building in front of them? Why? It didn't look dangerous - not the least - it was rather the opposite. It was dark, closed off, and looked cold and empty. It didn't look like anyone was home, or even living there.

"It doesn't look that bad." He tried, his eyes roaming for anything that could have alerted Slim. "It doesn't look like there's anyone inside either."

"It might be hiding." Slim grumbled. "In the deep. Like last time."

"Hiding?" Taezan asked, curious as to why the humans would hide. "Is that something humans do? Around here I mean?"

"No, son. Not humans." Shaking his head, Slim looked at him with a haunted expression on his face. "The beast."

"Beast?" His heart skipped a beat, and Taezan felt a shiver run down his back. He hadn't known there were beasts here. None of the logs nor field notes had mentioned anything about this!

"Ay, the beast." Slim repeated, his weight shifting from one foot to the other.

The peg leg.

Taezan gulped. "Did that..."

"It ate it, that foul beast! And near the rest of me as well!" The mouse looked grim, staring down at what was no longer. "Only luck saved me that day."

"What happened?"

"It was two winters ago." Slim started, his eyes looking into the air; as if looking into the past itself. "It was a cold and harsh winter."

"It was a cold and harsh winter." It echoed from the side, Slim jr, groaning as he mimicked his father. "Here we go again."


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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now