December 25th

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Taezan couldn't help but feel a little off as he pulled his favorite shirt over his head

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Taezan couldn't help but feel a little off as he pulled his favorite shirt over his head. It had felt weird being small, but now that he was finally big again, he found himself having a hard time getting used to this as well. The same was true for his surroundings: his room had not changed, but his furniture seemed small compared to those he had been surrounded by the last few weeks.

Turning to the mirror, he looked himself over. He looked like he always had, yet he felt different. Letting his hand run through his hair, he realized it had grown but... that wasn't it.

Was it because he had powers now?'

He longed to have them for so long, yet...

It didn't really make him feel any different.

Spotting Tannie at his desk through the mirror, he smiled. He was so glad that the others had taken such good care of his slime pet while he was gone. "It sure was quite the adventure, Tannie." Stepping over to his desk, he crouched down to cuddle the creature. "And I missed you so much."

Glancing over at his bed, he noticed the small clothes he was given on earth. Taezan smiled as he went over and he picked them up; the clothes now fit neatly in the palm of his hand. Bringing them closer to his face, he studied them with fondness, when something fell out of one of the pockets.

Chuckling, Taezan picked up the small raisin and walked back to Tannie. "I brought you a present."

The slime happily accepted the gift, wiggling excitedly as it took its first bite.

Taezan wished all the best for his mice friends, and hoped they were doing okay, but he sure was glad to be home.

* knock knock *

"Come in!" Taezan looked at the door as it opened to reveal Hozi.

"You ready to celebrate being back?" Hozi's beaming smile lit up the room.

"You bet I am."

Walking alongside his older friend, there was no doubt that the entire crew was in an upbeat mood. Music was blasting through the corridors, and even though it was loud, the members were even louder.

As they entered the bridge, Taezan's mouth fell open.

The room was so clean, and everywhere he looked, there were lights! Shining, bright, and twinkling lights! It was just like in the books - the lights often referred to as 'Christmas lights' or 'fairy lights'.

"How?" Taezan asked, pointing at the nearest string of lights. He hadn't seen any while on earth, and it hadn't seemed like Namzoom had brought any with him as they returned either. But, here they were - making the bridge the most beautiful of places.

"It was all Zukook." Hobi chucked. "After you left, Jiminzi just couldn't stop talking about the lights, and I guess Zukook got tired of listening to the whining, and just decided to get some."

Taezan was in awe. "That's so brave of him!"

"Well, I guess." The older agreed. "But he had us worried when we woke up and couldn't find him anywhere. The kid had just snuck out in the middle of the night to keep it a secret from Jiminzi."

"I bet he was surprised!" Grinning, Taezan imagined his friend's reaction. "How did he react?"

"He hasn't yet." Hozi revealed. "Zukook made sure he wouldn't be around before after we had put them up."

And just then, they heard a bark from down the corridor. "ZUKOOK! I swear I'll murder you! How dare you lock me inside the-"

But where Jiminzi had been contained, Taezan never found out, cause when Jiminzi reached the bridge, his mouth fell open.

"Surprise~" Zukook chuckled, walking over to his friend. "This is the kind you wanted, right?"

Jiminzi didn't answer, but his eyes told them enough; wide with wonder and sparkling alongside the Christmas lights.

"It's not?" The youngest looked worried. "But I thought-"

"I love it! Thank you!" The words burst from the small member, and he threw himself at the younger. "I can't believe you did this! Thank you, thank you!"

The pair grinned and laughed like fools, and Taezan laughed with them.

He had really missed this - missed his chaotic, but very lovable family. Before this mission, he hadn't thought much of it, but now he knew for certain that he would never be able to do without them.

Glancing around the room, his eyes found Namzoom and Jinzok standing by the now perfectly working sphere.

When they had returned, Taezan had been sad that their mission hadn't been successful. The entire reason for the mission had been to find aluminum, but even though he had been away for so long, he hadn't located any to bring back to repair their ship.

He had been on the verge of admitting this to the captain, when Namzoom had spoken up, and more importantly; revealed that he had located aluminum - and a lot at it as well. Hearing this, Jinzok had been overjoyed, and immediately sent a team out to collect it.

And so, it turned out that the mission had been a success after all.

"Who wants cake?" Hozi called out.

His friend must have left him for a second, but had now returned, and in his hands were the most delicious-looking cake Taezan had ever seen. "Come, come gather around."

And they did; everyone standing around the cake and looking down at the six candles flickering joyfully on it.

"You all have your wishes ready?" Jinzok asked as he looked at each of his crew members in turn. "Okay? So on three. One. Two. Three!"

They all blew. All candles flickering before going out.

"Seems we'll have another good year." Hozi smiled.

Namzoom nodded. "I can't wait."

"And I'm hungry!" Zukook announced as he descended on the cake, grabbing a piece and quickly stuffing it in his mouth. "This is the best!"

"Yah! Chew with your mouth closed, you brat!" Jinzok reprimanded him.

"And they're at it again." Jiminzi grinned as he grabbed his own piece. "So, I have to know."

Taezan blinked. "What?"

Leaning closer, Jiminzi wiggled his brows. "What was it like to be that small?"

Blinking, Taezan considered for a moment before finding the perfect answer: "Well, nothing too special." He said nonchalantly. "I mean, everything was just bigger than me. You know, I'm sure you should already know."

"Oh, shut up."


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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now