December 16th

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Kaya was a human!

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Kaya was a human!

After the initial shock, Taezan couldn't help but feel relieved. Ever since he woke up in the nest, he had felt so alone. The mice had been nice, but he had been the odd one out - the outsider. But now, learning that he was not the only one, he felt a bit of happiness.

"Found anything yet?" A sharp voice echoed through the area, and Taezan and Kaya turned around to see a couple of shadows passing by.

That's right. The food!

"We should tell Mosu!" Grinning, Taezan couldn't wait to see the expression on Mosu's face when they told him about all the canned food they had discovered. "He's going to be so surprised!"

"You can't tell him!" Kaya yelped, then, after looking left and right, she lowered her voice. "No one must know that I'm a human."

"Why?" Taezan asked.

"They wouldn't... They just wouldn't get it, okay?" She shook her head, sounding defeated. "Just... You can tell him about it, but leave my name out of it. Say that you discovered it on your own or something."

"You're telling me to lie?" Taezan furrowed his brows. He didn't like lying.

"It's not a lie." Kaya insisted. "It was you who found the tool, and it was you who used it to get the can open."

That was true.

And so, although Taezan wasn't too happy about it, he agreed to her request. "Fine. I don't know why, but I won't mention you."

"Good. Thank you." Visibly relieved, a small smile appeared on her lips. "Now, get going. I'm sure everyone will be happy to learn that they won't have to go out in this weather."

Agreeing on a plan, they got back up, and he headed off in search of the mayor. It wasn't easy, and Taezan was convinced that he had walked past the same glass bottle for the tenth time, when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"There's cheese missing?!"

The voice was coming from an opening a little further down, and Taezan tip-toed closer to see what the fuss was about.

"We have 13% less cheese now than when I last counted."

Stretching his neck, Taezan peeked through the opening. Inside, Mosu was talking with Tito; the assistant holding a giant pencil and small pieces of paper.

"And according to my calculations, it should only be 5% less with the food rations we've had." Tito looked intently at his notes for a few seconds, before shaking his head. "It doesn't make sense."

"Well, do the calculations again!" Mosu insisted, clearly annoyed.

"I already have." Tito mumbled. "Three times actually."

"I don't care." Mosu suddenly turned for the opening, and Taezan barely managed to hide behind a piece of fabric before the mayor reached him. "Do it again."

"I will." Tito sighed as he reluctantly followed Mosu. "Let me just grab another piece of paper."

"I refuse to believe that someone is stealing." Mosu continued, putting weight on his cane. "It's obviously a miscalculation."

Taezan's eyes widened.

It was happening again - a bright yellow - this time stronger, more aggressive, as it pulsated around Mosu's body.

Taezan couldn't believe it: Mosu was lying. He clearly knew what had really happened, but didn't share the information.

"That's not true!" Covering his mouth, Taezan stopped breathing. He hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"Who's there?" Mosu looked around frantically. "Show yourself!"

Knowing he had no choice, Taezan stepped out from his hiding spot.

"What did you say?" Mosu challenged, an angry sneer on his face as he tapped his cane against the floor.

"That what you said isn't true." Taezan spoke to the floor, not brave enough to look the mayor in the eyes. "You lied."

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" Without warning, Mosu grabbed him; dragging him by the arm as he marched toward the town square. "I don't lie."

"But you did!" Taezan protested. "I know you did!"

"Is that so?" Shaking his head, Mosu addressed a large group of mice.

"Gather around!" Mosu's authoritative voice had no trouble reaching everyone, and soon Taezan was on display in front of all the mice.

"What's going on?" Kaya asked, looking at Taezan with worry in her eyes.

"This one is nothing but trouble." Mosu declared. "He claims that I have lied, when I have not. He is a liar, and because of that, he must be punished."

"I don't claim anything. I know for a fact that you lied!" Pulling his arm free, Taezan rubbed the tender spot. "Your aura told me so."

"My aura?" Mosu laughed. "What nonsense! There is no such thing as 'auras'."

"Why aren't you telling the truth about the missing cheese?" Taezan asked, wanting to know why the mayor was lying. "It's obviously not a miscal-"

"The cheese? Do you hear him, dear friends? I only just heard about the missing cheese - and yet he seems to already know it was gone. How could that be? Unless... Unless it was him that stole it." Mosu spoke loud and clear, drowning out Taezan's attempt to explain himself. "I am very disappointed in you, Taezan. But, I guess it is my own fault for trusting an outsider!"

 But, I guess it is my own fault for trusting an outsider!"

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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now