December 22nd

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Taezan was stunned

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Taezan was stunned. Opening his mouth, he tried to ask all the questions in his head at once, but nothing came out.

A board creaked behind him, and Mosu's words rang in his head: You won't be alone.

Swallowing, he turned around, and a single beam of moonlight decorated the air in front of him. Behind it, there was movement, and a moment later, a terrifying creature stepped into the light.

Taezan winced as he came face to face with the infamous beast. Backing up, he hurried over to where he had been pushed through, only to see that Mosu was pushing something in front of it.

"No!" Leaping forward, Taezan tried to get out, but Mosu had effectively blocked the door. Hammering his hands against the hard surface, he tried to move it, but to no avail. "Let me out!"

Using all of his body weight, he pushed, and pushed, but gave up when it still refused to move. Sinking to his knees, he leaned his forehead to the blockage as he felt a tear run down his cheek.

Was this it?

Was his fate to be ripped to pieces just like Slim's friend?

Or would he be lucky and only lose a leg?

He should have paid more attention to Zukook's fight training. Maybe then he would have been able to fight off the beast...

Taezan's heart was pounding. He didn't want to die, he wanted to go home. If only his friends were here. Jinzok would have known what to do, and Namzoom could have shrunk the beast in the same way he had shrunken him.

He had been so sure that he could trust Mosu. The mayor had, after all, come to find them and apologized. He had seemed genuinely sympathetic to Taezan's hunger. And, his suggestions for a proper feast to surprise the others, had seemed so legitimate.

Oh, how wrong he had been.

Kaya's words ran through his head: I don't trust a word that that rat-of-a-mouse says. If only he had listened to her.

But he hadn't, and now he was here.

Turning around, he leaned his back against the blockage, sinking down until he sat on the ground. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he again faced the beast: the glaring eyes, and the vicious-looking scar running across the right one...

This cat had clearly been in fights - and that he was no doubt preparing for another. But yet, it did not look like a killer chasing its prey.

The way it moved slowly, almost lazily, towards Taezan, had him frown. Why wasn't he running to attack him?

Taezan's body deflated as he realized why: there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He was a sitting duck - so why wouldn't the cat take its time? Enjoying its game while all Taezan could do now was wait for his inevitable death.

The beast slowed further, but as it reached Taezan, it stopped. Cocking its head, it looked around, as if it was looking for something, before leaning closer.

Taezan could feel the warm breath coming over him in waves, and he prepared to be eaten, or at least as far as someone could prepare for something like this.

His heart beat so quickly, and so hard, that it left a dull pain in his chest with each heartbeat.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Taezan waited for the sharp teeth to pierce him, but...

They never did.

Instead, the breath disappeared.

Heart hammering like wild, Taezan dared to slowly open his eyes, only to see the cat step back and sit down; watching him while his tail brushed the floor.

Taezan just stared. It was just sitting there. It wasn't attacking or threatening him in any way. Confused, he was trying to figure out what was happening, when a faded green-gray mist formed around it.

"You're worried?" What Taezan saw did not make sense, and he stuttered. "Why are you worried? Aren't I the one that's about to be eaten?"

Tilting its head, the cat just kept looking at him.

"You're not going to eat me, are you?"

The cat shook its head.


A loud noise snagged both of their attention, and they watched the previously blocked area being ripped open.

"Taezan!" Kaya stormed inside; armed and ready with her needle in one paw, and a can lid as a shield in the other. "Run! Hurry! Before it eats you!"

"He won't." Taezan was surprised at his own certainty.

"What are you talking about?" Kaya carefully stepped closer, needle pointed at the enemy. "Of course it will. It is a cat, and we are mice."

"But, we're not mice." Turning to the cat, still sitting unmoved in the moonlight, Taezan spoke with confidence: "And he's not a cat."

"W-what?" Eyes widening, Kaya looked from Taezan to the cat, her mouth dropping open. "You're not a cat?"

 "You're not a cat?"

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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now