December 7th

10 5 0

"No! Do

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"No! Do. Not. Move."

Startled, Taezan slowly turned his head as he tried to see what the fuss was about. Looking left and right, he saw a colorful piece of fabric underneath him. It didn't look like danger? Moving slightly, he let the back of his hand brush against it. It was soft. So incredibly soft.

"Get your dirty hands off my rare fabrics!"

A mouse came marching over, and as she got close, Taezan recognized her. "Kaya!" He exclaimed, happy to see a familiar face. "I seem to have fallen again." He giggled. "Have you come to save me again?"

"No, and no one will be able to save you from me if you put your hands to the ground now." Grabbing a nearby roll of fabric, she shook it out, holding onto the edge while the rest unfurled to lay like a flower-patterned path between her and Taezan.

"Be nice, Kaya." Mona yelled from the top of the book stack.

"She's right though!" Ruby chimed in from the back of the room. "We can't have dirty paw prints on it."

"Thank you~." Kaya said, before reaching down and grabbing Taezan's wrists. "Now, let's see what kind of damage you've done."

"Careful." Taezan winced a bit from the hard grip. "That hurts."

Kaya loosened her grip, but her eyes remained skeptical. "They don't look too bad..." She mumbled, turning his hands over to study them from all angles. "Actually... We should use this one for sewing." A wry smile appeared on her lips as she let go of his hands. "He has long, nice, fingers."

He did?

Tarzan cocked his head as he looked down at his hands. He'd never thought much about it - and only ever compared hands with Jiminzi - but he guessed they were kinda long? At least compared to those of the mice.

"Oh, let me see." Another mouse walked up to him and studied his hands. "A bit delicate maybe, but he would be able to grip around the scissors quite easily..."

"Don't listen to Kami." Another mouse with a similar apron warned. "She's got some strange ideas about what classifies as good tools and not."

"And still I'm a faster clipper than you, Anne." The first of them replied as she let go of his hands. "And better at delivery time."

"Only because I have to clean up your mess!" Anne insisted.

"So you say."

Taezan smiled as he watched them. Although they were fighting, he could sense the close friendship they had. Funny enough, it reminded him of how Jinzok and Zukook interacted when off duty.

"Oh, can I have some help?" Liam called out, cutting through his nostalgia. "I need some paws!"

Turning around, Taezan could see the doctor mouse walking fast, leading the way for something big. Narrowing his eyes, saw something that confused him. Was that a mouse carried by a-? "I didn't know mice and rats were friends?"

"He's not a rat..." Kaya punched his upper arm. "He's just big."

Rubbing his arm, Taezan mumbled an apology.

"Oh no! What happened?!" Kami gasped as she ran over to help someone off the back of the big mouse. "Otis, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Otis insisted, leaning onto Kami as he tried not to put weight on his right paw. "I just stepped on something sharp when we were on our way back home from gathering."

"You're bleeding!" Anne hurried over to hold Otis from the other side, the two seamstresses helping him over to a spool of thread.

"It's not that bad. It's just a scratch." Using the support he had, Otis eventually sat down. "Thanks for carrying me, Ivan."

"No prob, bro." The big mouse nodded as he patted his friend gently. "Just be more careful next time."

"I was." Otis insisted. "I know that path like the tuft of my tail, and that thing has never been there before."

"You should listen to Ivan." Ruby said as she handed Liam a small bowl of water. "Getting hurt like this affects him too."

"I don't mind." Ivan mumbled, his eyes looking anywhere but at the small doe.

"That's because you're so nice, Ivan."

"It doesn't look like there are any contaminants in the wound." Liam concluded as he washed the leg. "I think it should be safe to close it. Needle, please."


"Here you go." Mona handed him a needle.

It was as long as Tazan's arm! It looked horrifying! He wanted to look away, but he couldn't; his eyes glued to the needle as it stitched up the wound.

"All done, but you will need to rest, and make sure to take it easy for the next couple of days."

"I will. Thank you."

"No problem." Liam smiled as he turned to Taezan. "You okay? You look paler than usual?"

"Y-yes. I'm fine." Taezan assured, shaking his head to get rid of the last few minutes. "You're a good doctor."

"Doctor and seamster." He shrugged. "As long as you know the basics, it doesn't make much difference."

Nodding, Taezan was filled with admiration. This was what Mosu had meant when he talked about abilities that would help the town - and it was clear that Liam's was a crucial one.

Observing the mice, Taezan could see that they each played their own role in this community. Chefs, seamstresses, cutters, gatherers, guards... All of them working together, and doing their part.

They were more than just coworkers. The way they showed compassion for each other, and never hesitated to help out... They were a family.

All of this reminded Taezan of when he had first arrived at the BTZ ship. He had felt like an outsider because of his lack of powers, but his crew members had taken him in and welcomed him with open arms.

They were his family.

And right now, there was nothing he missed more.

Taezan missed home. 


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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now