December 24th

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"They have come to kill us

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"They have come to kill us. Their kind does not look kindly at us mice!" Mosu said with a grim face. "You have all seen what happens when humans get their hands on someone like us. It is death. And this..." He looked at Taezan with disgust on his face. "...freak is their helper - leading the human here to doom us all."

Taezan blinked. He was what?

"No, we are not." He protested, trying to calm the nervous mumblings from the crowd. "We're not here to kill."

"Liars." Mosu pressed on. "And now he has returned to us with even more lies."

"You are lying." Taking one step back to get away from the massive cloud of yellow oozing from the leader, Taezan looked the mayor dead in the eye. "Just like you lied about everything else!"

Taezan's last words echoed through the room, before leaving silence in its place. The many mice that had gathered around the drama, did nothing but breathe and stare.

"What do you mean?" Alex finally said, apparently the only one brave enough to ask what was on everyone's mind.

"He's been lying to us." Taezan moved his eyes from Mosu, to Alex. "To everyone here."

"Well, so have you." Shay walked forward, arms crossed. "And Kaya - about being human. How can we trust you?"

Opening his mouth to speak, Taezan tried to find a way to explain, but he was stumped. He didn't know what lies Mosu had told the mice, but it was probably a mountain-worth, judging from the constant aura of lies surrounding him.

"You can't think of anything, can you?" Mosu laughed as he looked down at Taezan. "Because I have done nothing wrong. It is not my fault there is cheese missing, it's yours."

"Still a lie!" Taezan saw the strong aura covering Mosu's body, but couldn't think of a way to explain this information to the other mice without once again being labeled as an outsider. He didn't want to be thrown out again.

Unsure of what to do, he looked around for anything that could help him, but found nothing that would convince the mice of his innocence. He did however see Tito rushing off somewhere, but Taezan didn't blame him. The assistant had always been loyal to the mayor.

"It is not." Mosu insisted. "I have no clue where the cheese went."

Muttering spread among the mice, some suspicious, some supportive:

"Could he really have taken the cheese?"

"He knows we're in crisis..."

"Can we trust what Taezan says?"

"Not my specialty blue cheese..."

"Taezan is right." Tito came back from his apparent quest, confident in his words. "I have found evidence that Mosu knows exactly where the cheese ended up."

"Yeah, right." Mosu acted cool, but the bead of sweat that traveled through his whiskers was telling another story. "I don't believe you - there is no evidence of me taking the cheese, because I never did."

"He never said you took it." Taezan pointed out, narrowing his eyes at the mayor. "But, your words tell me otherwise."

"He did indeed take it." Tito declared, turning to address the crowd. "I found cheese crumbs in Mosu's nest, and some of the cheese we still have, has bite marks." Pointing a finger at his boss, he raised his voice. "It's clear that Mosu has been eating the cheese behind our backs!"

The air filled with more gasps and muttering.

"I've seen him sneaking around in the dark!"

"Me too! He looked so guilty!"

"I can't believe you blamed Taezan!"


"You don't deserve to be here!"

"Throw him out!"

The crowd chanted, and watching them, Taezan felt relieved that they finally believed him. Looking at Kaya, he pointed at Mosu, and then at the door.

She understood, and picking up Mosu, she walked outside; a moment later returning empty-handed. "He won't cause any more trouble."

The mice burst into cheers, everyone happy that the former mayor had been exposed and dealt with. Many rushed to Kaya's side, curious about the human, but some came to Taezan, their heads bowed in shame.

"I'm sorry." Sado walked closer, putting a comforting paw on Taezan's shoulder. "We were wrong to judge you."

"I'm sorry too." Peeking out from behind Sado, Shay gave a gentle smile. "I shouldn't have been so skeptical just because you're not a mouse."

"Could you ever forgive us?" Alex looked mournful, his aura revealing his regret.

"I already have." Taezan smiled as he looked between his friends. Although it felt good to finally be accepted, he knew that there was only one place he truly belonged.

Walking over to the human, Taezan made his way through the mice surrounding her, and pulled on her skirt.

A moment later, Kaya picked him up, bringing him close to her face. The two of them exchanged looks, and somehow Kaya knew exactly what Taezan wanted. Standing up, she turned to leave, but he stopped her when hearing someone shout.

Having Kaya crouch back down, Taezan faced the chef's assistant.

"Aren't you going to stay?"

"I can't." Taezan gave a sad smile. "I need to go home."

"But, this is your home?" Shay sniffled. "Isn't it?"

"I belong up there." Taezan pointed to the sky. "With my BTZ crew."

"Will you at least take this?" Revealing their paws, Shay presented a raisin. "It's the last one. I want you to have it."

"Thank you." Reaching out, Taezan ruffled Shay's fur, before accepting the food. "I will enjoy it." Signaling for Kaya to move, he looked out to the crowd; now waving and shouting their goodbyes. He waved back, but soon he had to hold on for dear life as Kaya got up and left the shed behind.

A minute later, they arrived at where they had last seen Namzoom. Looking left and right, they had thought they might find him there, but...

"THERE!" Taezan yelled out as spotted a moving shadow underneath the trees. He managed to get her attention by jumping up and down in her hand and pointing to his friend.

"Excuse me." Kaya called out as she hurried over and tapped at Namzoom's back. "I think you've lost something."

Namzoom turned around, looking prepared to explain his presence on earth, but this quickly changed as he saw what she held out to him. "Taezan! There you are!" 

 "Taezan! There you are!" 

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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now