December 21st

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The next morning, Taezan was jerked awake by a strange sound

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The next morning, Taezan was jerked awake by a strange sound. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Kaya complained as she moved around in the fabrics.

"Did you not hear the sound?" Pushing the fabrics to the side, Taezan got up and went to investigate. "You don't think it could be..." Swallowing, he looked at the half-asleep mouse. "The beast, do you?"

"Nothing has ever come in here." Kaya insisted. "Now stop talking, I'm trying to sleep."

Another sound! And this time closer!

This time Kaya had heard it as well, and as she got up, to stand beside Taezan.

Staring across the room, they waited, but as nothing happened, they silently agreed to investigate. Stepping carefully, they tip-toed towards the entrance, but just before they reached the exit, the grid flew open, and a mouse stepped inside.

"There you are!"


"What are you doing here?" Kaya crossed her arms.

"I came to apologize." Mosu sighed. "I shouldn't have kicked you out. It was wrong of me to do that, so I have come to bring you back."

"Really?" Taezan asked, tears of happiness gathering in the corners of his eyes. He had been cold during the night, and wasn't any less hungry now. "You want us to come back?"

"Yes. Yes. I do." Mosu smiled. "The town is not the same without you."

"Why should we trust you?" Kaya did not seem convinced by Mosu's apology. "You were the one that exiled us."

"And what about the others?" Taezan felt tears press at his eyes as he remembered all the hateful words that had been shouted as they were escorted out. "Aren't they still mad?"

"They have calmed down, and they will understand." Mosu assured. "Come back with me, and everything will be as it was. I promise. Besides, you look hungry. Come back and we will talk over some cheese, yes?"

Taezan needed no more convincing. "Okay!"

"No, thank you!" Kaya huffed before turning back to the provisory nest. "I don't trust a word that that rat-of-a-mouse says."

"No?" Taezan asked. "Why not?"

"The question is why you trust him." Sitting down, she wrapped herself in fabrics. "But if you must, then go. I'll be fine here."

"O-okay?" Taezan wasn't sure what to do. "You sure?"

"She said she's fine." Mosu insisted. "Let's go home."

Taezan's stomach growled, and he knew he could not wait any longer, so he followed Mosu outside; making a mental note to bring some food to Kaya.

"Are you sure the others will welcome me back?" Taezan felt a little nervous.

"Yes, I'm sure." Mosu waved his paw. "All will be fine."

They walked back, but instead of walking to the main entrance, Mosu walked in another direction.

"Where are we going?" Taezan frowned. "This is not the way to the main entrance?"

"We're using the back entrance." Mosu explained as he looked at Taezan. "No need to wake up the others. It's early, after all ."

"Oh." Taezan hadn't thought of that, but he agreed: he didn't want to bother the others.

Once inside, they walked down an unfamiliar path until they entered a nest, and Mosu let out a heavy sigh. Unwrapping his scarf, he threw it aside before walking over to a cardboard chest and pulling out some cheese.

"Is this where you sleep?" Staring at the piece of cheese, Taezan felt his mouth water. He was so hungry. So much, that he almost couldn't keep himself from jumping with joy when Mosu offered it to him.

"Yes, this is my nest." Mosu confirmed as he stepped over to sit on a nutshell.

Taezan gobbled down all the cheese at once, but it wasn't enough, as his stomach growled again.

"You're still hungry, huh?" Mosu's tone was sympathetic. "Sadly, we still don't have much food." The older mouse shook his head. "We did find some cans, but we have yet to find a way to open them."

"Oh, I know!" Taezan loved the thought of more food, and rushed to explain. "I know how to open the cans! I can help!"

"Is that so?" Mosu's face lit up. "How wonderful! Please show me."

Taezan was led out of the nest and to a corner where four cans were lined up. "I can see the cans, but where's the opener?"

"Oh, is that the metal thing we found next to them?" Mosu pointed between two of the cans. "We brought that in too. It's behind there."

After getting the can opener, Taezan talked Mosu through the steps and showed him how to open the can.

When he finished, the mayor nodded and asked to try one himself.

"So you just twist it?" Mosu struggled a little in the beginning, but eventually managed to open a can. "Oh, I see. It's not that hard."

"Let's show everyone!" Taezan cheered, happy that he finally had something to contribute with.

"Let's wait."

"Wait?" Taezan was confused.

"Yes." Mosu confirmed. "Let's instead open more cans, and throw a surprise feast!"

Taezan nodded, and smiled. "That's a great idea!"

"But I'm sure you're tired." Stepping closer, Mosu put a hand on Taezan's shoulder. "I know a place where you can relax until the others wake up."

Being led through an opening, Taezan looked around. It was much darker here, and the smell was... strange. Something felt weird- his stomach shifted. "I don't know. This place seems a bit scary, so I'd rather not stay here alone."

"Oh, don't worry." Mosu snickered as he pushed Taezan firmly into the darkness. "You won't be alone."


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[13+] Taezan & the Mice [Kim Taehyung] Christmas 2022Where stories live. Discover now