39| Locking Michael Away

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"Got this great IPA from Austin- Cosmic Cowboy," Dean continued. "You're gonna love it."

"Hey, Dean, what's going on here?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?"

Just then, Pamela Barnes came walking out of the back room, smiling as she walked over to Cass and I.

"Cass? Ellie? I'm glad you're back safe. I was starting to worry," she lowered her voice. "Don't tell Dean. He'll use it against me."

"Uh, Pamela Barnes was blinded when she saw my true form," Cass told me quietly as she headed behind the bar with Dean.

"Yeah," I nodded. "She was also killed by a demon, so..."

"Hey, what are you guys waiting for?" Dean asked. "Drink up. Hey, where's Sam?"

"He couldn't come with us," Cass stated.

"None of- none of this is real, okay?" I addressed Dean desperately. "T-this- This bar, uh, Pamela..."

"Excuse me?" Pamela glared over at me. "You've never met anyone more real than me, Eleanor Winchester."

"You're just a complex manifestation of Dean's memories designed to distract him," Cass explained.

"You really know how to talk to a lady, don't ya?" Pamela raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, listen to me," I stared into Dean's eyes. "You have to remember what's going on out- out there in the real world."

"I know it's raining," Dean said, glancing at the window of the bar. "What else do I need to know?"

"No, I'm not talking about the rain- I'm talking about Michael!"

Both Dean and Pamela suddenly disappeared.

"Where'd they go?" I looked around.

The sound of Dean and Pamela laughing and toasting as they drank shots carried out from an office.

"Is that...? I think I hear them," I muttered.

Suddenly, Dean and Pamela were back behind the bar, facing me and Cass.

"So, you guys gonna tell us about the hunt or what?" Dean asked.

"Okay. W-what? You were just... What the hell is going on here?" I stammered.

"Okay. All right. Now you're starting to worry me. What is going on?"

The scene replayed in front of us again, this time Cass and I watching as Pamela and Dean shot and decapitated a pair of vampires.

"Ugh!" I cried as I was spattered in blood.

A little got on Castiel's collar, but I got the brunt of it. Dean and Pamela were back behind the bar again.

"You guys got real messy on that ghoul hunt, huh?" Pamela grinned.

"No, we didn't get messy on a hunt," Cass said. "We got messy just now, in this bar, in the vampire fight."

"Maybe we should rethink the beers," Pamela muttered to Dean, who nodded in agreement.


"Okay, Dean, listen to me," I tried again. "I think you're- you're stuck in some kind of loop in- in your mind. Michael is possessing you. You have to remember that."

"Michael?" Dean repeated.


"Michael's in the Cage. Come on, guys, what is this? Some kind of joke?"

The End | {BOOK 5}Where stories live. Discover now