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Megatron was sitting at his desk. He was upset that CyberStorm was trying to get through to you. He is just afraid that one day that she may take you away from him. Megatron sighs. Why can't you just leave us alone. He said to himself. He then looked over and grabbed his pad. He noticed everything was running smoothly. Except with one thing that wasn't running so smoothly, you. But he knew you would make the right decision. He sat his pad aside and got up to check on you. He walked and opened your door. He smiled. He walked in and gently took your pad and sat it on your desk. Sleep well my little princess. He bent down and kissed your helm. He got up and headed out. He walked into his room and slid onto his berth. Megatron sighs. I hope one day CyberStorm will understand that StellarMega doesn't want anything to do with her. He turned over and he fell into recharge.

It was the next morning and I wasn't feeling like myself at all. And I didn't want to get up out of my berth. Megatron was up and sitting at his desk and he noticed that you hadn't walked in. You usually walk out of your room and say morning to your father. But this time you didn't. He was worried. He set his pad aside and got up to check up on you.

I was laying on my berth when I heard my doors open. Soon I saw my father coming down to my level. Hey you okay. I shook my helm. Telling him no I wasn't okay. He raised his servos feeling my helm. Primus. StellarMega you are burning up. Knockout I need you to come to the heirs room now. She is not feeling well. Megatron replied in his comm link. Yes my Liege. I am on my way. Replied Knockout with his comm link.

Megatron got up and went to his washroom to grab a wet wash rag. He then walked back and headed into your room. You saw your father walking back to you and placing a wet wash rag on your forehead.

I lay on my berth still not feeling too well. And I felt my cooling fans kicking on. They were working hard trying to keep me cool. Megatron was worried. He didn't want to lose you. Soon your doors opened. Megatron looked up and saw Knockout.

Knockout walked over. So what seems to be the problem, my Liege. I don't know, Knockout. StellarMega is burning up and not only that, her cooling fans are kicking much harder as well. I see my Liege. Knockout walked over and took out his syringe needle. You turned your helm and your optics widened. Knockout walked over to you. You shook your helm. N..no. H..ate needles. You said in a raspy voice. I am sorry princess but I need to do this to check your blood. Soon he walked over and put the needle into your arm. Soon he took it out and went to check your blood sample.

I groaned at the pain that my body was feeling. My whole body was burning up. Megatron looked at you and knew something was not right. Soon Knockout walked over. It appears and seems to be that you got a bug princess. It's not contagious. But at least we caught it in time. I'll get a remedy made up and get some medicine ready for you. Is there anything else, my Liege. No. Thank you Knockout. Knockout grabbed his stuff, nodded, bowed and left.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction: StellarMega Daughter of MegatronWhere stories live. Discover now