37- StellarBlade Is 5 Years Old

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It is about 5 years. And StellarBlade is growing up fast. And both SmokeBlade and I don't want to see our little girl growing up this fast. SmokeBlade was walking and heading to his post. Even though the war is over. There has to be someone still watching and guarding in case an enemy or an intruder tries to sneak on the ship. He was walking until he was knocked down. Upmh. He said while hitting the ground hard. He immediately groaned in pain. He slowly turned his helm and he looked and he saw StellarBlade. He sighs. You're just like your carrier. She giggled. How. She asked. He chuckled. Your Carrier did this before we even had you. He replied. Oh. I guess I am like Carrier. But I like being just like you sire and Grandsire. She said to her sire. Soon they heard a voice. Did someone say my name? The voice said to them. They both looked and they saw Megatron.

GrandSire! She shouted in pure joy and in excitement. She ran and she hugged her Grandsire. Megatron chuckled. SmokeBlade. We need to find something to stop her from growing. SmokeBlade groaned. I know. StellarMega and I hate seeing our daughter growing up so fast. StellarBlade giggled. I'm a big girl. SmokeBlade and Megatron both chuckled. Yes you are. They both said. Oh. Sire. When can I have an alt mode? SmokeBlade looked at her. Not sure. Probably not until you are 10 years old. Your Carrier and I still think you are just still young enough to not have an alt mode. StellarBlade groaned. Fine. But can I have a weapon? SmokeBlade and Megatron looked at StellarBlade. No. You're not ready to have a weapon. She groaned again. It's not fair. She said and groaned while whining. She then walked off to find her carrier which was you. They both watched her walk off. SmokeBlade. Don't worry. She'll understand someday. He said to SmokeBlade. SmokeBlade looked at Megatron. I know.

I was sitting at mine and SmokeBlade's desk in mine and SmokeBlade's shared room when I heard the doors open to the room. I looked and I saw our daughter walking in. She walked in and she walked over to the mine and SmokeBlade's desk. She went and she sat on the chair next to mine and SmokeBlade's desk. I noticed that something was bothering her. Sweetie. Is everything okay? I asked her. No. I want an alt mode just like yours, sires and Grandsires. I smiled. Sweetie. You'll get one someday. But not today. Your sire and I were thinking about it when you were not even a month old but we both decided to wait until you are 10 years old. StellarBlade groaned. This isn't fair. StellarBlade got up and she walked to her room. I sigh. I need to talk to SmokeBlade. I got up and walked out of the room and I walked to find my husband.

SmokeBlade left the flightdeck after Steve took over. He walked but he wasn't watching where he was going and you weren't watching where you were going and soon both you and SmokeBlade both slammed into each other hard. Umph. You both said colliding into each other. The hard impact slamming into each other made you both fall backwards hitting the ground hard. I shook my helm. I looked and I saw SmokeBlade lying on the floor. Groaning in pain. I slowly got up and walked over to him. I went and I kissed him. I went and I pushed my tongue into his intake. SmokeBlade immediately moaned, feeling your tongue exploring his intake. He slowly went down and he lightly grabbed an area that was sensitive. I immediately yelped after feeling him grabbing my sensitive area. I looked at him. And he looked at me.

Mind helping me up, my dear. I chuckled. Can't you get yourself up. I replied. SmokeBlade scoffed. Well. I giggled. I'm just kidding. I went and I quickly pulled him up. His eyes immediately widened and he slammed hard into my body. Umph. He said while groaning. Okay. Can you do this for me? He looked at me. It just depends on what you are asking me, my love. He replied. I got off of him and I backed up and I twirled. He chuckled. Oh. I get it. You're asking me if I can give you a dance. Am I right? I looked at him. I nodded. Alright. But let's do it on the top deck. It's a lot more romantic. We then walked and we finally reached the top deck. Soon SmokeBlade took your hand and started dancing with you. I laughed and I giggled. SmokeBlade loved hearing you laugh and giggle.

SmokeBlade then pulled you closer to him. Letting you hear the hum of his spark. I smiled hearing the hum of my husband's spark. I then groaned feeling his body moving with and against mine. I almost felt like I was going straight into a heat. Soon SmokeBlade went and he twirled you around and soon you landed in his arms. He looked at you. You danced beautifully my love. I immediately blushed. You danced beautifully too, SmokeBlade. He immediately blushed. We then noticed it was getting late. We were walking but he lifted me up and he carried me all the way to our shared room. Soon the doors opened and we walked inside. He went and he laid me down on our berth. SmokeBlade. You might want to check on StellarBlade. She didn't seem to be happy about not getting an alt mode. SmokeBlade groaned. I know. She actually asked me on the flightdeck when your father was around. I see. SmokeBlade walked off to check on StellarBlade.

StellarBlade was lying on her berth looking at her old toys. She got really mad and she threw the toy at her door. Her doors opened and the toy smacked her sire in the face hitting his right optic. Ouch! He exclaimed. Sorry, sire. I didn't mean to. SmokeBlade reached for the toy and he walked over to her desk and sat the toy down. StellarBlade. You need to wait until you are 10 years old. It was both mine and your Carrier's decision and choice. StellarBlade groaned. Okay. I just want an alt mode now. SmokeBlade chuckled. I know. He walked over and he started tickling StellarBlade. She immediately burst out laughing and giggling. Okay, sire. You win, you win. StellarBlade looked and saw her sire's optic was turning red. Your optic is red, sire. Yes. I know. But get some rest. He went and he kissed the top of her helm. Night sire. I love you. He chuckled. Night StellarBlade. And I love you too, my child. Your carrier and I both love you. Soon he got up and walked out.

I was lying on our berth when I felt my husband climbing on. I turned over but saw his right optic was red. SmokeBlade. What happened? I asked him. It was our daughter's toy. But don't worry. I'll be fine. I chuckled. I love you, SmokeBlade. He smiled. And he chuckled. I love you too, sweet spark. Soon we both kissed each other. We both laid down and soon we both fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

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