Things are heating up

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Luke had gotten all the chores done, so he went inside of the house only to find Bo sitting in the living room staring at the wall. Luke decided he had given Bo enough time; he needed to find out what was wrong with his baby cousin. He hated seeing pain in Bo’s eyes, and when there was pain, it was very noticeable.

Luke walked over to Bo and tapped him on the shoulder, whom jumped at the touch, he had been zoned out and hadn’t seen nor heard Luke come into the house, or come over to him for that matter. Luke sat down beside Bo, calmly asking him to explain what was wrong. Letting out a great sigh, Bo started the story, from first meeting  Sarah-Beth and falling in love with her to her not being interested in Bo at all at the dance.

“Well cousin, I don’t know what to say, I thought every girl here in Hazzard was trying to get wit’ you” After hearing Luke’s comment, it took Bo a few minutes but suddenly replied “Not every girl apparently.” Despair had now formed in his cousins eyes.

A few hours had passed and Luke wanted to cheer Bo up a little so the boys went into town Bo confronted Sarah about going on a date with him, while Luke visited Candy.

Bo knocked on the door of Sarah-Beths house, waiting for the door to open to ask his only love out. After what seemed forever the door opened and Sarahs father Billy walked out. Shooken with fear, Bo slowly asked Billy if he could talk with Sarah. Bo got off real lucky, Sarah-Beths father liked the Dukes, he was one of Jesse’s top customers who bought shine.

Sarah came to the door to see what Bo had wanted; she was in a dress getting ready for a date with Joe. Bo stared at her, admiring her beauty, it was almost as if she knew that Bo wanted to take her on a date. Finally Bo got the words out of his mouth he had been keeping in since he met her “Sarah-Beth, will you go on a date with me, I’ve shot down every girl here in Hazzard because I’m in love with you.” It took Bo a good 10 years to get those words out he felt proud but now he awaited her answer.

“Sorry Bo, I’m already taken and I don’t like you that way. I haven’t been so repelled in my life before.” Sarah has said it like she didn’t give a damn about Bo’s feelings. She had perfect timing as well, Joe had just pulled up and was speaking with her dad before they all left. Bo headed over to Cooters, while Joe and Sarah-Beth on their date.

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