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Once Luke was close enough to Bo, he started to hear something rustling and sounds of agonizing pain. Hoping it was his cousin he had found, Luke ran towards the sound. Not that Luke wanted to find his cousin injured, but he'd be happy if he had found Bo, it would make things get better and easier on everyone.

Stopping at the sight of Bo rolling around on the ground in pain, with Judd leaning above him, Luke was shocked to see Judd with Bo. Judd told Luke he had tripped over Bo when he was done fishing and swore he hadn’t meant to bruise Bo's ribs. To Luke, Bo looked like he had been kidnapped; beaten up and forced to starve, it set Luke's stomach over the edge.

Though he was happy he found Bo, and in amaze at seeing Judd, he was also frightened to see what condition Bo was in. Luke had been about twenty minutes away from the General Lee, and couldn't carry Bo himself with his injuries, so Judd had to help carry him.

As soon as the three boys got to the General Luke called an ambulance and ran back to Bo. “Don’t you think we ought to tell Uncle Jesse?” asked Judd. Luke knew Judd was right so he had him talk with their Uncle while he attended to Bo.

“Bandit to Shepard, Bandit to Shepard. You got your ears on Shepard come back?” “Shepard here, Bandit you mind telling me just exactly who is calling.” “Shepard its Law Sheep’s little brother” “Bandit, it’s good to hear from you again, I am sorry I didn’t recognize your voice though.” “Uncle Jesse I got some news for you from Luke. We found Bo, but…” “Oh dear this can’t be good. Instead of finishing that sentence I am assuming Daisy and I will meet you at the hospital?” “Yes sir, I promise I’ll explain everything then. I’m gone”

At The Hospital

Luke and Judd were sitting in the waiting room when Daisy and Jesse arrived, followed by Cooter, Rosco, Enos, Cletus, and Boss Hogg. Luke started pacing after being in the hospital for so long. “Bo can’t be injured that bad, he didn’t look horrible when I found him despite being pale, and not eating or sleeping enough… but still, it shouldn’t take this long!” Jesse had to calm Luke down as best as he could, he wouldn’t stand to see it any longer. “Sometimes healing physically isn’t the problem, maybe most of his injuries are emotional, something doctors would have a hard time healing.”

Agreeing with his Uncle Luke felt himself stop pacing and his legs carried him to a chair, where he plopped down, he was trying his best not to show too much he was worried about Bo. “You have to be strong for him, and for everyone else.” Luke whispered to himself quietly. Everyone kept looking at the doors for a doctor to come out to the waiting room, or maybe even Bo himself walking out. They needed to know Bo’s condition, and they needed to know now!

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