Everything Will Work Itself Out

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“Good-bye cousin.”  Luke announced, ready to take the fall into pure bliss, a pain free place with no worries at all.

“No! Stop it Luke!” Bo shouted.

Cooter geared into action, running to the edge, and grabbing Luke before he could do anything. Luke shook violently, trying to escape his captures arms, flailing wildly.

“It’s not going to happen Luke. I won’t let you waste away into nothing, or end your life. Your family loves you, and it’s because of that love that Bo is walking again!” Cooter counseled into the younger man’s ears.

Luke seemed to stop fighting now; only time racks of his body were visible. Tears streamed down his face; leaning against Cooter for support he cried his pain away.

Daisy and Jesse ran back to the Jeep when they heard Bo scream, expecting to find them back at the vehicles.

“Where are they?” Daisy asked impatiently.

“Give them time” Jesse replied before sitting in the Jeep listening to the screaming heard before them in the woods.

Minutes after the screaming stopped, Bo slowly walked out of the bushes, plopping himself into his wheelchair, a satisfactory grin covering his face.

The family looked towards the opening where Bo had come out of, waiting for Cooter and Luke to appear as well. Sure enough, a few minutes later Cooter emerged carrying a very weak, and exhausted Luke back to his family.

 The Dukes set off to the hospital, giving Luke time on his own to rest while Bo got his legs checked out again.

“Everything seems to be in order Mr. Duke. Luke needs his rest and can go home tomorrow morning, as well as Bo. He only needs rest as well, whatever happened was a miracle he is regaining full movement of his legs within minutes of arriving at the hospital. He had barely little just over an hour ago, and now can walk around fully, but slowly. By tomorrow he should be walking around like normal, just have him take things easy for longer than a month this time. Same goes for Luke, they both need their rest.”

Jesse thanked the doctor before heading back to the hospital room Luke and Bo would be staying in.

“Uncle Jesse, can I walk again? What’s going on? What did the doc say? Will Luke be okay?” Bo asked eagerly.

“Well Bo, you will be fine in a few months, so no driving or over exerting yourself this time.”

“What about Luke, Uncle Jesse?” Daisy asked quickly as well.

“Luke will be fine after a good rest, same goes for you Bo. Get some rest and we can all head home tomorrow”

Bo nodded at his uncles request, things were finally starting to fan out properly again.

Cooter had left the hospital with Daisy, and drove her to work at the Boars Nest. Hours later someone walked in and got Daisy’s attention real quick. “Oh no Cooter, look, it’s Sarah-Beth. I wonder if Luke talked to her like he had planned too.”

“I don’t think she did darling. I think that y’all should talk to her as a family, not as individuals.” Cooter suggested.

“Thanks Cooter, but that don’t mean I ain’t going to say anything now.” Daisy got up and walked towards Sarah and stopped right beside her, asking to have a seat. Sarah-Beth nodded her reply as yes. Daisy sat down and got straight to business.

“Alright Sarah-Beth, what is it with you and Bo?”

“I’m not sure what you mean Daisy. I don’t like him, and he knows it.”

Daisy growled inwardly. “That’s my point. You broke his heart, and crushed him into a thousand tiny little pieces. Do you have any idea what has been going on in our family since that day?”

“Nope, and not quite sure I care. I set him in his place.”

Daisy got up and left, to furious to deal with this any longer. “Bo and Luke should deal with this. That girl is so stubborn and rude!” Together Daisy and Cooter left the Boars Nest and returned to the hospital.

The next day, the boys were realised from the hospital, Luke driving with Bo in the passenger seat.

“Where are we going cousin?” Bo asked nonchalantly.

“Something personal that you and I need to do.” Luke replied casually.

“Like what?”

“It’s time we had a talk with Sarah-Beth. She is the reason this happened, and she needs to know it. I know Daisy talked to her, but she insulted her. We are going to make sure she understands how horrible it was that she did to us all.”

Shortly after they arrived at the Boars Nest, entering quickly they made their way to the stage. “Most of you know about what happened to our family recently. Both Bo and I have had our fair share of reasons to end up in the hospital. I want you all to know why. Bo had a crush on a girl for a long time, he finally got the guts to ask her out and she shut him down, rudely. Bo didn’t take things well and we both suffered from worry. This girl knows exactly what she did, Daisy talked to her yesterday, and she said she couldn’t care less. This girl doesn’t know how to treat others.” Luke announced.

“She also likes to break people’s hearts, to crush them so bad nothing could make them happy again. I hope you are happy Sarah-Beth. You almost tore our family apart.” Bo added quickly before standing up with Luke’s help.

Luke and Bo left the Boars Nest quickly, tears dripping down Bo’s face. Everything was alright now, and nothing could ever change the fact that it only takes one girl to ruin a guy’s life.

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