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Luke and Daisy were at the hospital, it had been four hours since Cooter left to search for Bo and neither one of them had returned yet, and Jesse; well he went to go speak with Rosco, he left about three and a half hours after Cooter had.

Jesse walked into the police station only to find Cooter talking to Rosco already explaining he couldn’t find Bo yet, and also asking if Jesse had filed a missing persons report, 'cause if he hadn’t done that yet Cooter'd do it himself.

“Cooter I am guessing that you beat me hear by a good five or ten minutes, so I will answer your question. No I have not filed a missing persons report; I was just coming to do that now.” Cooter let Jesse by, but figured he’d be of some help it might take more than one honest man to get Rosco to make that file. “Rosco, I’d like to file a missing persons report, as you already know, it’s for Bo. He had been gone for exactly two days. I waited forty-eight hours to bring this up to get you to actually file it. You see I know the ruling on Missing Reports, if someone is gone for over forty-eight hours there is no choice in law resisting making one, so go on Rosco, get crackin’ my nephew is out there somewhere and I intend on finding him.”

Rosco had been kind of frightened at this, Jesse looked into this in the law books so it had to be either real serious or a good ole shuck n jive the boys came up with. “But Boss, Luke is in the hospital, why would they even consider Bo missing as a prank? At a time like this, he ought to be with his family at Tri-County. Explain this to me, please.” Boss was shocked at how much they had convinced Rosco, now Rosco was trying to convince Boss to send out a search party request across the Hazzard Net.

“If you truly believe them Rosco, do as you wish on this case. After all you are the sheriff.” Boss gave in to sure will, though he hated the Dukes and wanted to see them arrested, he’d hate if any of them got hurt. Rosco thanked Boss and headed out to his patrol car followed by Enos, and Cletus to theirs. “This here is Rosco P. Coltrane, calling out to all of you out on the Hazzard Net. Now I only use this here Net when there is an emergency and fella’s believe me there is. Bo Duke is missing and we could really use a hand out there from all y’all. So if any of you see or hear from him you let us know on the police channel.”

Everyone expected Bo to be in Hazzard because he couldn’t cross the County Line or he’d break his probation, and if he broke probation, even if he wasn’t aware of what was happening, he could be sent to state prison for a very long time.

Realizing that no one thought to check the County Line, which was exactly where Bo was.

A Few Days Later

A few days had passed and Bo was still missing, but Luke was now at home and was worried sick about his baby cousin. Things on the farm just didn’t seem the same to Luke if Bo wasn’t there.

Luke was now restless at night, couldn’t sleep because unfortunately Luke was still in no shape to drive and wasn’t allowed to go searching for Bo himself, so all Luke could do was worry all night, sometimes drinking his self to sleep, or crying himself to sleep. Something he wasn’t used to doing.

Luke wasn’t the only one worried, and it showed. When Daisy would go to work at the Boars Nest, Luke would go get some beer to drink and always saw Daisy looking at the door after he walked in. Daisy was hoping that one day, Bo would walk right in through those doors either crying or acting like nothing happened, then make the family complete once more. Everyone knew that if Bo returned then Hazzard County’s spirit would return to them, and everyone would be grateful. 

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