Truth Be Told

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A lot of tears were shed on the day Bo was able to walk normally, and do the chores again; also able to drive after what seemed forever of doing nothing but either lie around all day at the hospital or at the farm. Since Bo was capable of driving again, he wanted to be the one to pick up his older cousin from the hospital and bring him back home; it had to be something sentimental for his reasons, Bo had begged Jesse to let him do it too.

Proud as Bo was, he was worried that something would happen to Luke on the way back to the farm and he wouldn’t be able to do anything to help him. Bo thought carefully and solved his problem by having Enos and Cooter follow along behind the General Lee in Enos’ police car.

As they arrived at the hospital, Luke and a nurse had already been waiting for them all to arrive; he was just so dang excited to head on back to the farm that he didn’t think twice about waiting inside the hospital for Bo to arrive.

Balladeer: Three months of pain for the Duke family, hopefully now things will start going back to the way they’s were before.

Bo, Enos and Cooter stepped out of their vehicles and stood there with the biggest grins on their faces imaginable. Figuring that Bo and Luke would need time to assure the other that they were alright, Enos and Cooter stayed behind to let them boys work magic.

The nurse that was with Luke walked over and joined Enos and Cooter; to let Bo and Luke have a very much needed family moment. Both one had seen the other smiling in months, and they were finally getting their chances to do so.

On the way back to the farm, Bo and Luke were riding in the General Lee; Cooter and Enos following behind. Both cars had been filled with complete silence; Luke broke the dead silence after recalling what Bo had explained to him about the past few months and asked a very depressing question he wasn’t sure he really wanted the answer to. “Did Judd really think I was going to die…?” Luke let that question sit in the air for a while, not expecting an answer from Bo quite yet; then continued on this time looking at Bo with tears in his eyes. “Bo; did you think I was going to die…?”

In that short moment of two questions he hadn’t prepared himself to answer, he felt a lot of emotions come to him at once. He pulled over hoping to prevent an accident while he informed his dark haired cousin everything he felt at that exact moment.

Bo let out a deep sigh and began speaking softly, “Honestly Cousin; I thought you already had. When I screamed in pain, you went into shock and stopped breathing. The only real reason I screamed was the my legs had a great streak of pain running up and down, come to find out they were paralyzed. They were paralyzed for about six weeks, during the whole time I was healing you were still unconscious. If it hadn’t had been for me neither one of us would’ve been off the farm for this long. No work has been done here for over three months…” Luke could hear the pain and sorrow in his cousin’s voice but for once didn’t know what to say.

Both Duke boys had tears in their eyes as they discussed anything that came to mind, comforting each other when the other felt pain. Behind them was Enos and Cooter, they had pulled over when the boys did; they were going to stick around to make sure everything would be okay. They had been stopped on the side of the road at least good fifteen or twenty minutes, and neither car had moved one inch.

Back in the General Bo and Luke were still talking about everything they could to try to put everything behind them. They were trying to come to an agreement, Bo blamed himself and Luke hadn’t realized what really was going on, or how long they had been stopped for.

“Shepard to Law Sheep, Shepard to Law Sheep. Boys are you out there? Did anything happen to ya’s on your way home from the hospital?”

Startled by Jesse asking where they were, Luke realized they were half an hour late to arrive home, and that their friends were parked right on behind them.

“This here is Law Sheep. Shepard everything is okay, we just lost track of time is all; Bo and I needed to have a talk about recent events but don’t you worry none we are on our way home right now Uncle Jesse.” Jesse had been very relieved to hear Luke’s voice, and that the boys were on their way home.

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