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The Dukes arrived at the hospital yet once again and quite frankly was getting tired of being there. Everyone in Hazzard County prayed that the boys would get better, everyone including Boss Hogg. When Boss cares about something other than money things had to be serious.

Balladeer: That is true, something terribly serious is happening. Bo is paralyzed and Luke still ain’t come around to waking up.

Bo had been sent home in a wheel chair and wasn’t supposed to do anything but eat, sleep and work his legs a bit every day. Luke on the other hand was still in the hospital, three weeks had passed since Bo was found and nothing any good happened.

Everyone hoped things would go back to normal bit as usual, Duke Luck is running short.  Almost every day Jesse would take Bo to the hospital, while Daisy was at work, but when she wasn’t she joined them; and almost every single visit Luke barely moved, other than the occasional twitch, or spasm.

Eventually two months had passed since this whole mess started. No one in Hazzard County ever thought a Duke could run into this much trouble unless the law was able to send them for jail or prison for something dumb. Nothing a girl would ever cause, but apparently they were wrong; very wrong, in fact it was one certain girl that brought this upon the Dukes, though it may have been un-intentional.

Bo had started walking again, little bits at a time, relearning like he did when he was younger and Luke had started waking up again, the relapse from the cold was starting to life; Luke could stay awake for about five minutes every time he was awake. Out of everything that was happening, and happened this was the happiest proven point that the Duke family had had in about two or three months.

Each passing day both Bo and Luke were slowly getting better. Bo was almost fully recovered after three months since he was found, and Luke was staying awake during the day and sleeping at night, the way he was supposed to; proving he was almost recovered and was allowed to go home in roughly two days-time.

Balladeer: It’s about time things started lifting again, four months is way too long for a problem to stick around in the Duke family. It just wasn’t natural; but in my opinion I’d say they weren’t out of the clearing just yet.

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