The Truth Is Spilt

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“It’s all my fault, Luke wouldn’t have been in the hospital the first time if he hadn’t been worrying about me. Now because of me again, he worried himself straight into the hospital! Dang-it Sarah-Beth why did you have to be the one I had to fall in love with?” Bo spoke out loud, though it may have been to him-self he knew his family was listening.

Jesse and Daisy were with Bo, listening to everything he had to say, “He may be delusional and he may not be, but this is our way of knowing the truth, and coming from both Bo and Luke makes things a lot better.” Jesse admitted.

“Oh Luke, I am so sorry for leaving! I shouldn’t have run away! If I were to have stayed here with you then maybe I wouldn’t have been foolish enough to attempt at killing myself. Oh how dumb that was, I am so glad you found me cousin, but now you have to survive too. I blame myself.” Bo was going on and on about what happened, and finding ways to pin this on him-self.

Luke could hear everything that was going on and he wanted so badly to talk with Bo, he knew Jesse would be there listening to the delusional Bo speaking but he couldn’t help but worry. Every time Luke tried to move it was like a force of gravity was holding him down, forcing him to listen to Bo’s rant that it was his fault that Luke was in the hospital, and not be able to do anything about it. Luke wanted more than anything to jut wake-up and make everything alright again. Sadly all he could do was listen to his family and friends talking amongst them-selves, think and cry.

Judd noticed a tear run down the right side of Luke’s eye; a tear that got away. Seeing that little tear meant that Luke could possibly hear them, and was crying at something that was going on.  “Uncle Jesse, I do believe that Luke can hear us! I just saw something amazing; a tear dripping along the side of his face!” Jesse was shocked at what Judd had just told him, he was telling him his nephew could hear him, and things were turning out the way they had with Bo.

Speaking of Bo, he was allowed to go back to the farm, but wanted nothing more than to stay with his older cousin, but for now all he and everyone else could do was pray and talk to Luke, encouraging him in ways on how to return to them.

Balladeer: Now if that ain’t true love, I don’t know what is.

Bo had been sleeping restlessly while Luke had been in the hospital, he had the room at the house all to himself and he really didn’t like that. It had been three days since Bo had gotten out of the hospital, and Luke still hadn’t woken up. Sometimes when Cooter or Enos had the day off, or time off from work they would pick Bo up; sometimes Daisy too and would all head up and visit Luke. 

One night at the hospital, Bo was visiting Luke talking with him as much as he could, he wanted him to wake-up more than anything; from what he had heard without him and Luke driving around Hazzard in the General, Hazzard seemed dull.

“Come on cousin, we miss ya back at the farm, and believe me it just ain’t the same for the folks in town not to see the General racing around with either one of us driving him and the other sitting passenger.” Bo tried encouraging Luke as best as possible, but he wasn’t going to give in.

Bo had been sitting in the hospital chair beside Luke for three or four hours and was just about to leave, but when he went to stand up an excruciating pain shot up his legs, and he crumpled to the floor; letting out an ear piercing scream throughout the hospital.

Doctors of all sorts ran into room 21, the room which was occupied by Bo at one point, and now Luke and possibly Bo once again. The scream Bo had let ring throughout the hospital had woken up most of the patients and had woken something up inside Luke; or so they thought.

Luke definitely heard Bo’s agonizing scream, but it didn’t wake him up, but it made his body think he was dying which sent him into shock; he stopped breathing and his body was convulsing at a rapid rate.

The doctors heard Luke’s heart monitor and sworn it was because of Bo, they did their best to get Bo to stop screaming, but the only solution was to give him a shot of morphine and get him out of Luke’s room and straight into the ER. Some of the nurses dealt with Bo, while other doctors and nurses ran straight towards Luke, to see if they could stabilize him.

The doctors got Bo calmed down at the other end of the hospital and got ragged responses from him, explaining his pain. Understanding where Bo’s pain was a doctor came in and took Bo for x-rays while Doc Applebee called Jesse Duke with some horrific information.

The phone ringed at the Duke farm, and Jesse answered. “Hello, Duke Farm.”

“Mr. Duke? Yes well I have some very bad, but important news for you about your nephews. We found Bo screaming on the floor in pain beside Luke’s bed, and I couldn’t believe that doctors here forgot to give him an x-ray, but we did today; and it seems he may have paralyzed his legs. Luke on the other hand was sent into shock by Bo’s ear piercing scream, he stopped breathing and his body was convulsing. Mr. Duke I think you ought to come down to the hospital right away. I don’t think this will turn out very good.” 

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