Being Paralyzed Comes With Emotion

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Bo went to put the General into drive and header on home, but a pain shooting up his leg causing him to scream stopped him. Hearing Bo’s scream Luke froze on the spot, he was frightened deeply and hoped nothing would happen like it did the last time.

Luke was starting to get worried, and was completely stopped; he couldn’t get himself to move. He needed to help Bo, but wasn't able to do anything. Ten minutes had passed and nothing changed. Luke finally managed to come up with an idea; he switched spots with Bo then CB’ed Cooter and Enos to follow him to the hospital.

Not knowing what was going on at all, Cooter and Enos agreed and followed; Cooter calling Jesse in the process. “Luke; are you sure you are in any condition to drive?” “Cooter I have to, Bo needs my help.” “Pull over, let me drive” Luke pulled over and climbed into the passenger side and Cooter jumped into the driver’s seat and drover off towards the hospital.

Everyone once again, met at the hospital; the same one Luke had left about two hours before, and now was sitting in the waiting room, anxious to find out if his baby cousin would be okay. It was a short ten minutes before the doctor came to speak with the Dukes.

“Mr. Duke I’m afraid to tell you, but Bo’s hadn’t healed completely, and while he was driving he was straining them. They went into a state of shock, sending a large streak of pain up his legs, once again. If he heals again and drives and this happens again, he could paralyze his legs for the rest of his life”

Luke grimaced at the sound of his cousin possibly not being able to walk or drive again; it broke Luke’s heart into a thousand little tiny pieces. Shivering, Luke asked if he could see Bo. The doctor didn’t know how to tell Luke exactly how bad Bo’s condition is, there wasn’t much he could say; he was in a wheel chair and had just came out of surgery so he was sleeping on his bed. Sure it didn’t sound bad, but he knew the tormenting feeling of someone you love never walking again.

Luke and the doctor walked to room 43, the room where Bo was staying. Luke stopped and almost began crying; he dropped down to his knees and didn’t know how to think about what his baby cousin was going through. Seeing his cousin that way, Luke though was going to be the hardest thing he’d ever do in his life. He was wrong; the hardest was wheeling Bo out to the pick-up truck and helping him into the seat.

Tears ran down Luke’s face as Daisy sat in the General with him. “Luke, is there a reason why this is bothering you so much?” Luke didn’t know how to answer the question his cousin shot at him. “Daisy; I just don’t know. I have always tried to protect him and this was one thing that he had been best at, and made him who he was before this all started” Luke paused as realization hit him. “Before this all started… Daisy you and I will be stopping in town before heading back out to the farm” Luke was determined to do something, but what; Daisy didn’t know. “Luke, don’t you want to be there for Bo back at the farm first, Uncle Jesse can’t get him out of the pick-up alone” Luke shook his head, he disagreed he needed to fix things before he headed back to the farm.

“Luke, Uncle Jesse, needs you. Go to the farm first, after Bo is settled at home, I will go with you to town, but I figure that Cooter better go along as well. I don’t want you doing anything stupid, that way you can drive me to work afterwards.” “Fine Daisy we will head back to the farm first”

It was a silent trip back to the farm, but once Bo realized Luke and Daisy hadn’t been following them he looked towards Jesse and began talking. “He is going to think I am a freak” “Now Bo, why do you think that?” “He was crying earlier, he wouldn’t look at me, and by the looks of it he is taking his time to get back to the farm…” Bo looked as if he was going to cry. Jesse pulled the pick-up into the farmyard and began talking with Bo, looking him straight in the eyes.

“Beauregard James Duke, you listen to me. He is worried about you, and doesn’t want to hurt you; your world has been turned upside down within months and there isn’t anything he can do to help you through it this time. You didn’t just get a broken heart, something a drive and a trip to the Boars Nest could heal. It’s more than that, and Luke is trying to figure out a way to be there for you without hurting you emotionally.” Bo was shocked at his uncle’s words, he hadn’t realized Luke was there that much for him and that this was hurting Luke as much as it was him.

“I am sorry Uncle Jesse” Bo stopped talking as the General Lee pulled up behind the pick-up and Daisy and Luke got out and walked up to help Jesse with Bo. Luke told the others to get the doors; he would just carry Bo inside to the couch so he was comfortable and didn’t have to sit in the wheelchair all day long.

“Thank you Luke, I appreciate this a lot” “Don’t think of it, you’d do the same for me” Bo thought in his head, “Believe me I already think about it a lot”

Balladeer: I wonder what Luke has up his sleeves now, I hope it doesn’t corrupt his friendship with Bo at all.

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