10 | Burden

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Damn, I can't believe Gray just stood there and watch Juvia being teared to pieces by the girls! What a man he is! My anger exploded more and I couldn't help but to-

"N-natsu-san! You're hurting Juvia." She blurted out, her voice ringing in my ear.

"Ah, sorry." I quickly released my beastly grip and looked away, "did you get hurt?" I asked.

"Juvia is not." She replied. "Thank you Natsu-san, you really saved Juvia." She bowed her head. "But what about you?" She stared at my bloodied hand.

"A scratch like this is nothing. Plus, I am apart of the student council, I have responsibilities too." I explained so that she wouldn't get the wrong idea. "Also, about the time I clocked you in the face. I'm sorry." I sincerly apologized to her.

"Juvia accepts, but really Juvia has no ill intent towards Natsu-san." She shook her head in embarrassment. "Juvia will be more mindful."
As she was referring to the now and then.

"It's not your fault, those obsessive girls always get violent when things don't go their way." I  explained.

"Juvia understands."Thank you Natsu-San." Her gleaming smile happened to put a smile on my face. "Please treat your hand as soon as possible."

"Will do." I smirked, "I'm leaving for next period. See yeah." I waved goodbye.
When I continued with the day, the whole school seemed to be talking about the incident that happened. I'm practically famous for being bullied.

"Juvia!" Lucy-san's voice projected and I saw her sweating in fear.

"What's wrong?!" I stood up and panicked.

"Mira's forcing me to put on a bunny costume for the school festival in a couple of weeks." Lucy-san's speech was skewed.

"Lucy!" A feminine voice echoed.

Then I heard Natsu's voice.

Lucy automatically flinched, "Please don't give me away."
She pleaded and snuck over to the corner of the room, hiding behind filing cabinets.

The two voices called her out was getting louder and louder. Until the two owners of the voices came through the class door together.

"Juvia-San, have you seen Lucy?" Mira asked, holding the pink fluffy costume of a bunny in her right arm.

"N-no, Juvia just saw her run down the halls going that way-"

I was caught off guard when Natsu started sniffing the room. "Found her." Natsu quickly dragged her out of the corner, his bandaged hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"You can't make me!" Lucy grabbed ahold of a table and refused to let go.

"I'll tickle you." Natsu threatened with a serious expression.

"You wouldn't!" They both glared at each other for awhile, then Lucy made puppy dog eyes when all had failed.

"Sorry, she's not wearing the costume." He gave inc wrapping his arms around her from behind. "I don't want the guys checking her out. He bluntly spoke as if she finally reached him after all the begging.

"Awe, Natsu. Come on. Please? What about the costume? Who will be the-" then Mira's eyes darted at me.

"Heh...Please, Juvia doesn't want to. Sorry.." I respectfully declined.

"Aright, I won't force you." Mira-san blissfully smiled and pondered for another host of the costume.

It frightened me when she bolted out of the class with someone in mind. I felt sorry for whoever was doing to be submitted to the costume.
Once school ended, I saw Lyon-san waiting at the lockers when I approached. He waved and waited till I changed my shoes.

"Juvia-chan." Lyon said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you forget that I was supposed to walk you home? You're so forgetful Ju-vi-a." He teased.

"Lyon-san, you don't need to-"

"I promised Levy that I would, besides, I don't mind." He smirked and grabbed my bag and started walking out the door.

"Come on, let's go." He playfully said.

"Okay!" I followed.

With the silence of our stepping, Lyon-san didn't say anything to me. However, it wasn't awkward or anything. It felt pleasing and comforting.

"I've heard about what happened."

"Y-you too Lyon-san?!" I nearly lost my composure.

"Thank goodness you're alright." A relieved sigh escaped his mouth. "Good thing Natsu has a sense of justice."

"Yes, I'm grateful for Natsu-san." I agreed.

"Juvia, you have to stop causing scenes." Lyon-san poked my forehead. "How will you experience a normal high school life?"

"Lyon-san, if you haven't noticed, this is normal for me." My words did seem pessimistic however it was all true.

"Juvia, take care of yourself. Your happiness matters too." He pinched my cheek. "I don't want to hear such words from you. You deserve better than that."

Gruvia: High School Love-Struck Where stories live. Discover now