33 | Ocean Wave

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"You're all set, take two hours off." Jet had a clip board in his hands as he was going around, calculating people's shifts.

"R-right...I will come back afterwards for cleaning duty?" I asked.

"Yup." Jet nodded his head.

"Thank you." I bowed.

"Ahhh, J-chan..." Levy was complaining behind the curtained kitchen in the back of the class. "J-jet, let me off too."

"No can do, you're the only good cook." Jet complemented. "You're off next either way.

"Hahaha, sorry Levy-chan." I felt bad when I left.
"What was that for..." I pouted.

"Hey- not my fault. Someone called for her. Like I could refuse." Jet explained himself.


"It's the one and only Ice Prince."

"Really..?!" I couldn't believe it! He's finally begun to make his move!
I hurried and changed into my gym uniform because it was easier and faster to put on. Heading out the door, I saw Gray-sama leaning against the wall.

"Huh? What are you doing here Gray-sama?" I bowed my head. "Are you here for the cafe?"

"No, just waiting for you." He got off the wall and walked up close. "Your shift ended right?"

"Y-yeah...how did you know?" I asked.

"Intuition? Anyways, if you don't mind, would you accompany me for awhile?" Gray-sama held his hand out.

I felt like I was treading on dangerous waters. I could feel the burning and evil sensation from the girls around us. However, I should take advantage of this moment. I'm here with Gray-sama.

"Y-yes." I took his hand and he grabbed it firmly. He smiled lightly and began to walk.

At least this time, I wasn't walking behind him, watching his back. I was beside him. I was happy.

Soon later, we were outside, where all the food carts and game stations here. Gray-sama went ahead and paid for snacks and offered me some.

"T-thank you." I said talking a tooth pick and poking the octopus balls. It tasted very delicious! I could pick out all the sauces and seasonings.

"Hehe." Gray-sama chuckled, "you have something on your mouth." He took a napkin and wiped my side of my mouth, the one he used to wipe himself on the mouth too!

"W-what... Gray-sama!"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"N-no. It's just that. Never mind." I sank down. It was no use, I am new to all of this. Or maybe I'm over complicating things.

"Hey, Juvia." Gray got my attention, "want to play balloon darts?" He pointed to the station where Lyon was handing out fliers.

"S-sure." I followed along.

Gray gave me some darts and took some too. A girl with long curly blonde hair told us the rules and stood back as it began.

Gray threw the first one and hit popped the balloon! Whoa! Another one! And another!

"Gray-sama are you showing off?" I giggled.

"Maybe." He teased. "Okay, your turn."

"R-right." I took the dart into my hand, aimed and shot. It missed. Missed. Missed again. Awe I can't do this! I'm embarrassing myself in front of Gray-sama too!

"Here, stand like this." Gray-sama walked behind me and fixed my posture. Raised my arm up and shows me how to move my arm. "Now aim for a balloon, like a Cupid's bow and arrow." He voice was steady.
Ahh! He's really close! I nodded my head. In the corner of my eye, I saw Lyon, crossing his arms.

"Now throw." Gray-sama whispered.
Chills ran up my spine and I threw it.


"I-it landed! I hit it Gray-sama!" I threw my arms up in excitement. For some reason, I jumped in and embraced him. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

Fortunately, he seemed like he didn't mind. Instead, he praised me and handed me stuff animal prize. It was a white rain doll.
Joy filled up and I couldn't stop smiling. Gray-sama didn't have that stern, cold expression on his face. For once, I'm glad he was able to relax.

On the way to the next station, Gray-sama pulled me into the haunted house, where Lucy was doing her show.

"Huh? Lucy? Her shift ended ten minutes ago." Gajeel said, as he was painted in all silver with black painted eyes. "Left with Natsu. Damn kid, already scared our costumers before they even walked in." Gajeel sighed.

"Juvia can imagine." I giggled.

"Hey, you guys wanna head in?" Gajeel asked. "We'll give you a scare of your life."

"N-no, I'm not fond of haunted houses, especially dark spaces." I turned down.

It was true, I was scarred ever since that Halloween party during grade school. I don't have good memories of them, especially being left alone in a gore fest.
Just remembering that, gave me unwanted emotions. Hopefully, Gray-sama doesn't agree to his offer.

"Nah, already went." Gray-sama declined. "Not all that." He smirked at me, "besides, if Natsu isn't here, what's to laugh at?"

A warm sensation drew me closer to Gray-sama, like he was protecting me.

"Oh- I get it. You guys get going then." Gajeel winked at me and waved, "have fun on your little date." He teased.

"T-that's not-"

Gajeel had disappeared behind the curtains before I could stop him. Gray-sama was silent as he wasn't trying to stop him either.

"Look at the time." Gray-sama looked at his phone and sighed. "You have to finish up with the cafe right?"


"Then, off you go." Gray-sama gave me a slight push forward.

"T-thank you for today! I had a lot of fun!" I gleamed the biggest smile I could and he chuckled.

"Right." He nodded his head.

As I was about to leave back into the class, Gray-sama was already heading back to his.

The halls started to get crowded with people. His lonely back made my heart ache. My heart was beating loudly through my ears. Without a second though, I raced down to him.

"Gray-sama!" I called out his name and he turned around.

I leaped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you."

Gruvia: High School Love-Struck Where stories live. Discover now